19th Amendment

  • Period: to

    19th Amendment

  • Calls Over Womans Sufferage

    Made powerful calls towards womans sufferage. This led to a campaign being made and led by women to help secure voting rights.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    A call was made for womens sufferage. This created a campaign that was led by women to try and secure voting rights. This was the first large gathering dedicated to women’s rights in the U.S., attendees drafted and signed a document called the Declaration of Sentiments. The Declaration called for civil, social, political, and religious rights for women
  • Annual Womans Sufferage Confrence

    This was the follow up to the Seneca Convention and continued to help women fight for their voting and other rights.
  • Black Women Fight for Seperate Rights

    While white women had to fight for their rights and help organization leaders who were trying to get their rights approved, black women were often left out from participating so they had to advocate for themselves. A woman named Mary Terrell was an activist who fought for women suffrage and rights towards African Americans.