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    Dr. Seuss Books

    From the time I was born to age six, my mother read all the Dr. Seuss books to me.
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    Magic Tree House series

    When I was seven I started to read on my own and I started reading the Magic Tree House series for three years.
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    Dork Diaries books 1-10

    I started to read the Dork Diaries series from age eleven and I still read them today.
  • Ghostgirl Homecoming

    I started reading this book when my mom got it for my birthday.
  • Between Shades of Gray

    I have read Between Shades of Gray in 2014 and started to reread it this year.
  • Tiger's Curse

  • Dante

    Dante the Inferno I read in my mythology class.
  • Catcher in the Rye

    For school, I had to read a lot of books.
  • Beowulf

    Beowulf was one of the books we had to read.
  • Star Wars Trilogy

    Another book I read in my mythology class.
  • The Voice of LGBT+ Youth in the USA

    I started reading this book because I am in it and I understand others coming out.