1990s- Technology Use Progression

By nmgf
  • Period: to

    1990s Technological Inventions

  • 1994- Playstation

    The Playstation, a video gaming console, was introduce by SONY in 1994.
  • 1995- USB Cable

    In 1995, the USB Cable, a cable that connects devices, was introduced by Ajay Bhatt.
  • 1996- Tickle Me Elmo

    Tickle Me Elmo, a children's toy, was introduced in 1996 by Ron Dubren.
  • 1997- DVD Player

    DVD players were introduced in 1997 and allowed CDs to be played through them. Introduced by TOSHIBA in 1997.
  • 1998 - Google

    Google, a popular search engine, was founded in 1998 and is still widely used today.