1990s Technology Timeline

  • Mazda Eunos Cosmo Navigation System

    Mazda Eunos Cosmo Navigation System
    Mazda implemented the first GPS system made for cars. The GPS gave us the ability to triangulate our locations and display it on a map visible to us while driving.
  • fMRI

    The fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) was invented by Seiji Ogawa and Ken Kwong. An MRI machine is used to show changes in blood oxygenation inside active areas of the brain. These changes are then computed into a map of the brain. FMRI shows us which parts of the brain are active when we are performing certain tasks or feeling certain feelings. We use fMRI for both surgical and research purposes.
  • Bluetooth

    Jaap Haartsen and Ericsson created Bluetooth, a system that connects devices that are in close proximity to each other without wires or other physical connections.
  • StarTAC

    Motorola created the first flip phone, making cell phones more compact and convenient than the original cellphones that were introduced in the early 80s.
  • TI-89

    Texas Instruments makes the most powerful calculator of its kind, allowing students to compute graphs, functions, and more.