
  • Signing of the Americans With Disabilities Act

    Signed by George H.W. Bush to help eliminate disability discrimination. Allowed for people with disabilities to have the same access to privileges as other people. This was seen as an overall positive change for filling jobs and allowing disabled people to earn for themselves. Opposition was gained by people saying that they could preform better and religious groups.
  • Confirmation of Clarence Thomas to the US Supreme Court

    After the retirement of Thurgood Marshall, George Bush appointed Clarence Thomas to take his place. His conservative views made him an ideal candidate for the president. However he lost support from civil rights groups due to his beliefs. He was eventually fully confirmed after facing sexual assault allegations
  • Entrance of US Soldiers in Somalia / Blackhawk Down

    America became involved in Somalia to remove a militia that formed led by Mohamed Aidid. Blackhawk helicopters were used in the raid against the militia. 2 of the helicopters along with their pilots were destroyed in RPG fire. The operation goal was met by deterring the militia
  • Signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement

    NAFTA was signed to reduce tariffs for the largest countries in North America: Canada, the US and Mexico. The idea was to create more jobs and put less strain on the economy. This helped to strengthen relationship between Canada and Mexico. This came under backlash as this left out poor countries who needed the support
  • Harding / Kerrigan Scandal

    Tonya Harding was a US Olympic figure skater. In the 1994 Olympics. Harding came in 8th while her rival, Nancy Kerrigan came in 2nd. Harding's husband formulated and attack against Nancy, where Harding was eventually caught. Harding was then banned from American Figure skating for the rest of her life
  • Unabomber Attacks and Arrest

    Theodore Kaczynski was a recluse living in Montana, very smart. He sent a number of mail bombs to universities and companies. Widespread panic and a massive manhunt went under way to catch him. He was eventually arrested in his home.
  • Explosion of TWA Flight 800

    Trans world airline flight 800 was a Boeing plane that crashed in the Atlantic Ocean. Speculators believed that there was terrorist influence. It was eventually determined the error was in the fuel tank. 230 people dies making it the 3rd deadliest airplane crash in US history
  • Murder of Jon Benet Ramsey

    Ramsey was a 6 year old beauty queen in Boulder Colorado. Her body was found in the home of her basement by her father. A ransom note had been written and the death was ruled a homicide. The murder still remains unsolved
  • Beginning of NATO bombing in Yugoslavia

    In response to the Kosovo war in Yugoslavia, NATO led a series of airstrikes on the country. These attacks were an attempt to withdraw Yugoslavian troops from Kosovo. The operation was a success causing the retreat of the Yugoslavian soldiers. The invasion was inspired by an idea of ethnic cleansing, where NATO came in defense of the persecuted.
  • Y2K Scare

    The idea that the new century would cause a null value in computer systems, made people thing all technology would stop working in 2000. This would result in numerous different errors in calendar display and bank transactions. People began to panic as the heavy reliance on computers for things like water supply and jobs were at stake. The turn of the century resulted in nothing changing