1940's - Decade of Innovation

  • Complex Number Counter

    Complex Number Counter
    The Complex Number Calcuator was released by Bell Telephone Labs. It was designed by George Stibitz. The calculator was able to operate on complex numbers. Its also allowed the computsations to be sent over telegraph lines and also allowed users to remotely operate it using teletypes. This allowed for people to remotely access the machine. This calculator was speed up data entry for commercial business immensely.
  • Z3 Computer

    Z3 Computer
    The Z3 computer was completed by Konrad Zuse, a German Engineer. This computer was the world's first fully automatic, digital, and programmable computer. The Z3 was used in WWII to help solve wing flutter issues on aircraft during the war. It was destroyed in a bombing raid in Berlin in 1943.
  • Atanasoff-Berry Computer

    Atanasoff-Berry Computer
    John Vincent Atanasoff and Clifford Berry successfully tested the Atanasoff-Berr Computer acheiving more new elements in computing including being able to operate on binary arithmetic and including electronic swtiches. This computer has been credited with being the first electronic computer. The "ABC" was the beginning of many basic ideas used in the creation of the modern computer.
  • Bell Labs Relay Interpolator

    Bell Labs Relay Interpolator
    In 1943 Bell Labs created the Relay Interpolator. The man behind thius invention was mathmatician Goerge Stibitz. This machine was crutial in testing the M-9 gun for the U.S.mitilary. The Relay Interpolator was an analog computer that helps to aim large guns at their targets.
  • Manchester Mar I Williams-Kilburn Tube

    Manchester Mar I Williams-Kilburn Tube
    Freddie-Williams and Tom Kilburn developed the Manchester Marl I tube. This was one of the first stored-program computers. This computer was significant in that it was conceived more as a scientific computer rather that strictly geared tward math. It paved the way for the Ferranti Mark I which would be the first commercially available general pupose electronic computer.