Gavin 1990's Timeline

  • Kaczynski Goes Krazy

    Kaczynski Goes Krazy
    Ted Kaczynski, a former genius teaching mathematics at Harvard, decided to abandon his modern life and live off the land in Montana. He is confronted with the expanding industrialism advancing on his home and decides to take action. He writes a manifesto warning America of the approaching industrialism, and starts mailing bombs to universities and airlines, attempting to force newspapers to publish his work. He goes on the run for 18 years, until captured and given 8 life sentences in prison.
  • Presence in Panama

    Presence in Panama
    From December 20 1989 to January 31 1990, the US entered Panama to remove dictator Manuel Noriega. Noriega was a former CIA member wanted for drug trafficking. The US did this to protect their Panama Canal and secure their trading interests, as well as to free the Panamanian people. This event was seen by the UN as a violation of international law, although ultimately nothing came of it. Over 500 Panamanians were killed, but Noriega was captured.
  • Cannibal Captured

    Cannibal Captured
    Jeffery Dahmer was a serial killer who killed 17 people, sometimes raping them, committing necrophila, and even cannibalizing their bodies. He was a gay man, often luring men and boys, such as hitchhikers and prostitutes, back to his house and drugging and killing them, and furthermore "experimenting" with his kinks. Dahmer was diagnosed with multiple mental disorders, but was charged as sane. He was convicted of 16 out of 17 murders, and was given 16 life sentences, which is nearly 1000 years.
  • Rioting for Rodney

    Rioting for Rodney
    On April 29, 1992, four police officers beat Rodney King harshly on video, and yet were still acquitted. Members of the South LA community took to the streets, rioting against the verdict. They burned buildings down, looted stores, and attacked other people. The National Guard and US Military were called in to assist the local police force. By the time the riots ended on May 4, 63 people were killed, 2383 injured, and >12000 were arrested. This was the first true riot against police brutality.
  • NAFTA is Passed-uh

    NAFTA is Passed-uh
    A trade deal between Canada, the United States, and Mexico, the North American Free Trade Agreement was huge. This act removed many trade barriers in North America, like tariffs. Copyright laws and labor laws increased, agriculture tariff quotas increased, infrastructure was created. However, it also severely hurt Mexican economy and a lot of laborers in US and Canada, especially factory and farm jobs. Eventually, Trump repealed NAFTA and created USMCA after deliberation with Mexico and Canada.
  • O.J. Simpson Goes Scot-Free

    O.J. Simpson Goes Scot-Free
    Former NFL player O.J Simpson was accused of murdering his ex-wife and her friend. This was spurred by the finding of a bloody glove on OJ's property. The police put out a warrant and got in a car chase before arresting him. He was tried and found not guilty, mainly due to the racial divisions at the time. A mostly black jury thought the trial was racist, while others did not want another race riot to occur. Also, OJ learned how to make it seem as if though the bloody glove didn't fit his hand.
  • Pipe Bombs in the Park

    Pipe Bombs in the Park
    At the Summer Olympics in Atlanta, a bomb was discovered in Olympic Park. Despite rushed evacuation attempts, the bomb detonated and killed 2, wounded 111. Security guard Richard Jewell, who found the bomb, was originally accused of the bombing and crucified by the media, but was found innocent a while later. Soon after, 3 more bombings took place, with the FBI finally catching the culprit, Eric Rudolph. Rudolph was sentenced to life in prison without parole.
  • Heaven's Gate Goes to Hell

    Heaven's Gate Goes to Hell
    Heaven's Gate was a cult based on the idea that UFOs were the key to ascension. Led by Bonnie Nettles and Marshall Applewhite, They believed that humans could become god-like simply by rejecting their nature. This idea was challenged when Nettles died of cancer, leading them to believe their soul ascended from their bodies instead of a UFO picking them up at death. The group eventually committed a mass suicide in order to "graduate" from their human form and join Nettles. 39 were found dead.
  • Yugoslavia Bombed by NATO

    Yugoslavia Bombed by NATO
    Yugoslavia had begun doing the horrendous. They had begun an ethnic cleansing of Albanians, forcing their fleeing into nearby countries. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization swept in, attacking by air and dropping firebombs. Very few NATO forces were killed, with around 1000 civilians dying. Near 10000 Albanians had been "cleansed" with nearly 1 million ostracized. The invasion ended June 10.
  • Columbine Crimes

    Columbine Crimes
    In 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold decided they wanted to do something big and violent. They gathered loads of guns and bombs, and entered their high school, Columbine. They attempted and failed to detonate bombs, however they were able to kill 12 students and 1 teacher with their guns, injuring 21 others. The pair committed suicide shortly after. The police were heavily criticized due to their lack of initiative and failure to take action, moving very slowly and too warily.