1990 - Current

By EEvan
  • 1992 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

    1992 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
    It allowed The U.S, Mexico, and Canada to trade goods and expand their trade so they could sell more while also getting more valuable products from the other contries
  • 1997 Increased Safety and Efficiency

    1997 Increased Safety and Efficiency
    After a series of highly publicized food related deaths caused by unpasteurized fruit juice and undercooked fast food hamburgers during the mid-1990s, there was a public outcry for more food safety regulation. Which helped make food healthier and safer to consume.
  • 2000 Agriculture Disaster and Drought

    2000 Agriculture Disaster and Drought
    US Secretary of Agriculture, Dan Glickman, declared an agricultural disaster due to drought in Alabama, Florida, Nebraska, and New Mexico, making low-interest emergency relief loans available to farmers and ranchers. Which made it a bit easier to manage the expensies of the animals and crops during the drought.
  • First Piglets Cloned

    First Piglets Cloned
    On March 5, 2000, five female cloned pigs were born at the PPL Therapeutics laboratory in Blacksburg, VA. This lead to the cloning of many types of animals.
  • 2001 Into a New Millennium

    2001 Into a New Millennium
    In the year 2000, the food and agriculture sector contributed $1.3 trillion - or thirteen percent - to the American Gross Domestic Product, and employed nine percent of the labor force.
  • Challenges in a New Century

    Challenges in a New Century
    Advances in science and technology are fueling a global economy. The pace of scientific research is accelerating. Energy security, the ability to provide uninterrupted available energy sources at reasonable prices, is a challenge for modern economies.
  • China Joins the WTO

    China Joins the WTO
    China became the 143rd member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) after lengthy negotiations that required vast changes to their economic structure, such as the elimination of various tariffs and opening agricultural trade However all in all we were successful with the addition and this gave us more places to trade with which ment demand for products would increase while also giving us more products to purchase.
  • High-Tech Cattle

    High-Tech Cattle
    In 2002, Agricultural Research Service rangeland scientist David Ganskopp from Burns, Oregon, installed GPS collars on twelve cattle to track movements and better understand why they tend to graze in certain areas.
  • Irrigation in the West

    Irrigation in the West
    In the seventeen neighboring states in the West, approximately 75% of the value of various crops are grown on 25% of irrigated land. Improved technologies allow farmers to produce greater yields and adapt to the effects of climate change.
  • World Food Price Crisis

    World Food Price Crisis
    World food prices increased dramatically in 2007 and early 2008, creating a global crisis. Many nations experienced food riots and political instability, threatening governments and social unrest throughout Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, and the Caribbean.
  • A Safer Foot and Mouth Disease Vaccine

    A Safer Foot and Mouth Disease Vaccine
    Instead of using a virulent virus, the research team discovered how to create a weakened virus that does not cause disease, which is much safer than the traditional vaccine methods. The new vaccine may also be distinguished from other viruses that cause outbreaks.
  • The Green New Deal

    The Green New Deal
    The Green New Deal (GND) is a set of proposed programs that have set the goals of cutting emissions, promoting renewable power, and supporting more sustainable food systems so that everyone has access to healthy food and clean water.