
  • Constitution act of 1982

    Constitution act of 1982
    The constitutions act of 1982 contained the canadians charter of rights and freedoms. Including the rights of indigenous peoples and procedures to mend the Canadian constitution.
  • Period: to

    History timeline

  • Meech lake accord

    Meech lake accord
    in 1987 prime minister Brian Mulroney wanted to win over Quebec's consent to the Canadian constitution. it resulted in the meech lake accord. the accord strengthened federal; and provincial powers and declaring Quebec a "distinct society.
  • The fall of the Berlin Wall

    The fall of the Berlin Wall
    the berlin wall was a wall in berlin that separated communist east Germany from democratic west Germany, it was built to keep east Germans from crossing into west Germany. that fall happened when a government speaker accidentally said "anyone can cross the wall at any time", this drove millions of people to swarm the wall deeming it useless. eventually it was demolished
  • The Oka Crisis

    The Oka Crisis
    the Oka crisis was a 78 day stand off between the Mohawk people, the Quebec police, and the Canadian army. it took place in the community of Kanesatake. this crisis was sparked by an expansion of a golf course and the development of townhouses that were over top of a mohawk burial ground.
  • Desert storm

    Desert storm
    The gulf war was on important chapter in Canadian military history, more that 4000 Canadians served in this conflict from 1990-1991. There goal was to remove the invading forces of Iraq from boardering Kuwait. This was the first conflict where women played a combat role.
  • The Fall of the Soviet Union

    The Fall of the Soviet Union
    By late 1991, in the middle of a political crisis, with several republics already leaving the Soviet Union, the leaders of three of its founding powers had declared the Soviet Union was no more. This meant that the threat of communism was over.
  • G.S.T

    G.S.T was put into place in 1992, it is a tax on services and items served by consumers. G.S.T was put into action to replace indirect tax and tax on manufacturers. this taxing reform greatly aided Canadas economy and government, as from 2017-18 it supplied about 12% of Canadas income.
  • Charlottetown Accord

    Charlottetown Accord
    the Charlottetown accord of 1992 was a failed attempt by prime minister Brian Mulroney and all 10 Canadian premiers to amend the Canadian constitution. the goal was to get Quebec's to the constitutions act of 1982, if they agreed Quebec would have been called a 'distinct society.

    The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is an economic free trade agreement between Canada, the U.S.A and Mexico, it was designed to eliminate all trade and investment barriers between these three countries. NAFTA came went into action on January 1st, 1994
  • Rwandan Genocide

    Rwandan Genocide
    The Canadians were sent to Rwanda by the UN to peacekeep, they saves countless Rwandan lives during the Genocide. The Canadians provided medial, logistical, communications, and mine clearing efforts. About 130 CAF members died following the events of the Rwandan genocide.
  • Quebec Referendum of 1995

    Quebec Referendum of 1995
    The 1995 Quebec referendum was the second referendum to ask the mainly French speaking province if they proclaim sovereignty and become a independent country. when the voting ended the "No" option received 50.6% and the "Yes" option received 49.4% of votes. there has not been another referendum since.
  • The Creation of Nunavut

    The Creation of Nunavut
    The creation of Nunavut in 1999 was the first major change to the map since the incorporation of Newfoundland in 1949. the government agreed to to the creation of Nunavut as apart of the final land claims agreement that recognized the Inuit ownership of over 350,000 square kilometers of land. the nunavut act was passed by parlament in 1993 and came into affect in 1999
  • Nisga’a Frist Nation Treaty

    Nisga’a Frist Nation Treaty
    the Nisga'a fist nations treaty gave the first nations title 2000 square kilometers of land to the Nisga'a tribe in B.C in the Nass valley. this meant that the Nisga'a tribe was no longer under any jurisdiction of the Indian act, and they could run there own schools and health services. they were also given an allocation to hunt moose, salmon, and other wildlife
  • 9/11

    On September 11, 2001, two commercial planes crashed into the twin towers in New York City. These planes were hijacked by terrorist group Al Qaeda. These attackers have reminded us Canadians that no one is immune to terrorist attacks or from any other conflict.
  • Canada in Afghanistan

    Canada in Afghanistan
    Canadas role in Afghanistan began in late 2001, they sent there first wave of troops secretly in October 2001. Canada's involvement included, aiding the new Afghan government after the Taliban were defeated, and aiding a reconstructing country suffering from generational warfare.
  • Same-Sex Marriage

    Same-Sex Marriage
    Through many court cases beginning in 2003, same sex marriage gradually became legal in 9 of 13 of Canada provinces. In 2005 Canadian parliament passed legislation to allow same sex marriage nationwide. In 2006 law makers defeated an effort by the ruling Conservative party to reconsider the issue, leaving the law unchanged.
  • Residential School Apology

    Residential School Apology
    On June 11, 2008 prime minister stephen harper fomaly apologized to the indigenous community for the abuse, suffering, and generational and cultural dislocation of the residential schools. the apology specifically addresses the abuse and suffering caused by the residential school system to the indigenous community. he also offered an $800 million settlement that was split among all the surviving victims.
  • Vancouver Olympics

    Vancouver Olympics
    The 2010 Vancouver olympics were a multi sport event held from February 12-28, 2010. It was regarded by the Olympic commitee to be one of the most successful Olympic Games in history, in both attendance and coverage. About 2600 athletes from 82 nations competed in 86 events. The 2010 Olympics were the third Olympics to be held by Canada, following the 1976 summer Olympics held in Montreal, and the 1988 Olympics held in Calgary.
  • Canada and Syrian refugees

    Canada and Syrian refugees
    after the election Justin Trudeau promised to rapidly resettle Syrian refugees. under the resettlement initiative, Trudeau successfully resettled 26000 Syrian refugees in 118 days between November 2015 to February 2016.
  • Tragically Hip Last Concert

    Tragically Hip Last Concert
    On Aug. 20, 2016, nearly one-third came together with friends and family to watch a special broadcast, that night the Tragically Hip played there last concert in Kingston Ontario. This show was the culmination of a month long, 15 show tour starting in Victoria B.C. The last show finalized the bands 33 year career.