Terry Fox Legacy
Terry Fox was a Canadian who developed cancer. He started the Marathon of Hope where he attempted to run across Canada while taking small donations for cancer research. He was unable to finish but created a legacy that still stands strong today. Each year, all across Canada schools hold an annual run. Since his death, $650 million has been raised for cancer research. -
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Nansen Refugee Award to People of Canada
For Canada's humanitarian work with accepting refugees, the UN presented to the people of Canada the nansen Refugee Award. It was acceptd by Governor General Jeanne Sauve on behalf of the Queen. This is the first time the people of a nation has won. This event further improves Canada's reputation of being involved in world affairs in a positive way. Canada is a leader in helping other countries in any way they can whether it's by donations or money or sending troops to solve an issue. -
Ecole Polytechnique Massacre
"Twenty-five years later, why do we have to continue to commemorate this event? It's because equality between women and men has still not yet been achieved," Doré said. Jean Dore- Mayor of Montreal 1989
Canada is a great nation in trying to gain equality for everyone but this act bought attention to everyone whether equality for both genders will be reached. Also because of this, Canada implemented restrictions on gaining fire arms for the public. -
RADARSAT1 satelitte was launched
First observation, non communication man made satelitte made by Canada. It takes photos from space and sends mass amounts of commericial use and scientific use information world wide. The satelitte is advanced enough to take clear and well collected data in any given conditions. It's a huge step forward for Canada's space agency as they were able to develop a piece of techonology that's beneficial to so many across the Earth. Canada now leads in processing satelitte sensing data. -
Suicide bombers drove two passenger planes into the World Trade Center in the United States. This was an act of terrorism targetted at the US but could happen anywhere in the world. Canada was affected because when the US went to war to fight terrorism in the Afghan war, we sent resources. This also affected us because as a nation we upped our security out of paranoia that something like this will happen to us. Security got tighter in airports and immigrants making sure there is no threat. -
Same sex marriage legalized
Through heavy debates in the pass accepting the old definition of marriage then changing it slightly, gay marriage was finally accepted as a legitmate marriage. This is a huge step forward in human equality and rights. It's a big deal because in the past, Christianity was the dominant religion that only accepted marriage between a man and woman. Now people have grown to accept other types of marriages. Slowly from these events, other countries have started to think this such as Ireland. -
Canada completes mission in Afghan war.
After 13 years, in Kabul Afghanistan at the ISAF HQ, Canada lowers the flag ceremoniously to show the completetion of their mission in Afghanistan. Canada was a great supporter of the US since they initially started the Afghan war. In the 13 years, Canada sent 40,000+ soliders. Also in 2011, it was stated $330 million to help sustain Afghan's security and $227 million to develop their nation. -
New Canadians still have to take oath to the Queen
It still remains that new Canadians must swear an oath to the Queen. Some immigrants don't want to do so because it goes against their culture or they don't feel a connection to the British Empire. Canada wanted a indentity of their and wanted to be independent from the mother country. Canada in the past didn't need Britain to govern them and had own constitution. But this is taking a step back since Canada still has ties to Great Britain in the form of an oath to the Queen and not Canada.