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1970s Inventions

  • Email

    Email was first created in 1971 by Ray Tomlinson and it used the system ARPANET. Email is a very popular form of communication especially when it comes to businesses.
  • The Floppy Disk

    The Floppy Disk
    The floppy disk was created by Warren L. Dallied in 1972 using the manufacture IBM. Although these aren’t really used today this was the primary mode of data storage until most of the 90’s.
  • Cell Phone

    Cell Phone
    The first cell phone was manufactured by Motorola and was invented by Martin Cooper in 1973. Cell phones are the main source of communication whether it’s in the business world or personal lives and these are a big part of most peoples daily life
  • Digital Camera

    Digital Camera
    The first digital camera was manufactured by Cromemco in 1975. The three inventors were Terry Walker, Harry Garland, and Roger Melen. This was a game changer for capturing memories.
  • Apple Computer

    Apple Computer
    The first apple computer was created by Steve Wozniak in 1976. This has had a huge impact on society’s everyday life considering Apple is a very popular brand when it comes to technology and mainly iPhones.
  • GPS

    GPS was invented by the U.S Navy in 1978 and the debuted the NAVSTAR satellite. The GPS has made life so much easier and convenient when it comes to traveling or even just going somewhere new.