1980s computer inventions

  • VIC-20 Home computer by Al Charpentier

    This was the first computer to sell more than a million units. This is important to us because computers control a lot in humans daily lives.
  • Commodore 64

    This is one of the most famous computer inventions of all time.This is recognized by the 2006 Guinness Book of World Records as the greatest selling single computer of all time.
  • Flash memory by Fujio Masuoka

    Able to erase and re-programmed multiple times, flash memory quickly gained a loyal following in the computer memory industry. Very important for memory storage.
  • Pixar is founded

    Pixar had a different name (Special Effects Computer Group at Lucasfilm). In 1986 Steve Jobs payed the company and bought it and renamed it Pixar. Pixar is still very popular to this day.
  • Laser 128 by Gordon Gloud

    This supports drives and is very important to the understanding of computer history.