
  • Compact Discs

    Compact Discs
    Co-developed by Sony and Philips, the compact disc allowed a "significant" amount of data to be stored in a neat "little" package.
  • Nintendo Entertainment System

    Nintendo Entertainment System
    Invented by Nintendo, the NES brought videogames out of arcades, and into people's living rooms. This allowed people to bond (or isolate) with the latest in interactive entertainment.
  • Macintosh W/ GUI

    Macintosh W/ GUI
    Steve Wozniak developed the Apple Macintosh. This was the first popular personal computer that had a graphical user interface. To this day, GUI's are the main way we interact with our computers.
  • Discman

    The D-50/D-5 Discman was invented by Sony, and represented an important step towards a truly portable CD player.
  • Game Boy

    Game Boy
    Invented by Nintendo, the Game Boy brought videogames out of the living room, and into the rest of the world.