1980 to 1990

  • Polaroid Sun AF 660

    Polaroid Sun AF 660
    Was one of the first cameras to have a sensor in it to tell how far you were. It used sonar pulses to establish the best shot.
  • CD Player

    CD Player
    CD players changed the game for music and then movies. We came a long way from that and even video games were fixed up to play disks.
  • Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

    Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
    Japanese console used to play games. Was very popular.
  • Apple Macintosh 128k

    Apple Macintosh 128k
    The computer got its name because it ran with a 128k RAM.
  • Game Boy

    Game Boy
    The game boy was a huge hit due to it being a hand held video game. It's later models were also huge successes.