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1980 Technological Timeline

By sumBum
  • First Microcomputer Hard Disk Drive: Seagate ST506

    First Microcomputer Hard Disk Drive: Seagate ST506
    Seagate Technology debuted the ST506 which was a great advancement from the floppy disk. This new hard drive could hold up to 5 megabytes of storage (more than five times the storage of a floppy disk) and still held the same physical space of its predecessor.
  • The First IBM Personal Computer: IBM 5150

    The First IBM Personal Computer: IBM 5150
    This new computer not only processed information faster but it could connect to TV's, play games and process text.
    The base system sold for $1,565 with a keyboard a choice of peripheral device (which includes a display, printer, two diskette drives, extra memory, communication, game adapter and application packages).
  • First Personal Computer with a Graphical User Interface: LISA

    First Personal Computer with a Graphical User Interface: LISA
    Lisa was not a person but was the first personal computer with a GUI (graphical user interface), which made the use of computers more accessible and user friendly.
    Though the downside of Lisa was their slow speed and $10,000 price tag.
    This system did revolutionize computer design, making the inclusion of a GUI a standard.
  • Apple Macintosh Released

    Apple Macintosh Released
    Apple took the best and rooted out the worst of their previous product, Lisa, to make a world class (at the time) computer with a graphical interface that complemented mouse and keyboard utility
  • C++: Unionizing Programming Paradigms

    C++: Unionizing Programming Paradigms
    As computer systems began to be more complex their programs followed suit. This became a harder task for programmers and computer scientists, as debugging and handling the long and complex lines of codes was a monstrous task.
    The creation of C++ by Bell Labs, minimized this problem significantly by making the code practical and a diverse solution.