
  • New Right Movement Started

    This movement embraced morality, conservative economics and politics.
  • Ronald Reagan Becomes 40th President

  • American Hostages Are Released from Iran

  • Assassination Attempt on President Reagan

  • Tax Cuts are Introduced

    Congress approved President Reagan's tax cuts.
  • Air Traffic Controller Strike

    Air Traffic Controller strike for better pay and working conditions. President Reagan orders strikers to return to work but they refuse and are fired two days after the strike began.
  • IBM Personal Computers

    IBM releases its first personal computer.
  • Sandra Day O'Connor

    O'Connor who was nominated by President Reagan became the first female Supreme Court justice.
  • CNN

    Cable New Network is launched.
  • Equal Rights Amendment

    An inadequate number of votes leads to the Equal Rights Amendment not being passed.
  • Vietnam Veterans Memorial Opens in Washington DC

  • Afghanistan is Invaded by the Soviet Union

  • Boland Amendment is Passed

    Funds going to contras in Nicaragua are banned by the House of Representatives.
  • Advanced Defence System

    President Reagan announces plans for an Advanced Defense System to protect America from Soviet Missiles.
  • Operation Urgent Fury

    President Regan sends US Marines to overthrow Grenada's leftist government.
  • Reagan sworn in for 2nd term

  • Mikhail Gorbachev Becomes Soviet Dictator.

  • Farm Aid Concert Takes Place

    Musicians created a fundraiser for farmers who were suffering from high interest rates and soaring foreclosures.
  • Shuttle Disaster

    NASA Challenger 7 Explodes.
  • Tax Reform Act is Passed

    Tax rates are reduced and the tax code is simplified.
  • Immigration Reform and Control Act

    Employers were required to verify legal status and the law made it illegal to hire undocumented workers.
  • Iran-Contra Plans Exposed

    Arms sales to Nicaraguan contras were discovered resulting in an investigation of White House officials.
  • Removal of the Berlin Wall

    President Reagan challenges Soviet Union Gorbachev to remove the Berlin Wall.
  • Black Friday

    The stock market plunges nearly 800 points which was the worst decline in Wall Street history..
  • INF Treaty

    The treaty was the first of many arms-reducing treaties between America and the Soviet Union
  • George H.W. Bush Becomes 41st President

  • S&L Bailout

    Savings and Loan companies are prevented from going out of business.
  • Desert Storm

    A Military operation led by American forces to drive Iraqis out of Kuwait.
  • START I Treaty Signed

    President George H.W. Bush and Soviet leader Gorbachev agree to reduce nuclear arms competition between the two rivals.
  • The Soviet Demise

    Soviet Union collapses.
  • Bill Clinton Becomes 42nd President

    Bad times were ahead...
  • Garage Explosion

    A bomb detonated in the World Trade Center's basement as a result of terrorism.

    The largest free trade agreement is established between the United States, Mexico, and Canada.
  • Diplomacy with Vietnam Reinstated

  • Bill Clinton sworn in for 2nd term

  • Governmental Issues

    President Clinton and Congress come to a standoff over the budget which results in a partial shutdown of the United States government.
  • Panama Canal Returned

    U.S. transfers ownership of the canal to Panama.
  • George W. Bush Becomes 43rd President