
  • The United States boycotts the Summer Olympics in Moscow to protest the 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan;

  • U.S. presidential election, 1980: Ronald Reagan is elected president, with George H. W. Bush elected vice president

  • Attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan by John Hinckley Jr.

  • – The Space Shuttle Columbia is launched, marking America's first return to space since 1975.

  • 241 U.S. Marines are killed by a suicide bomb in Lebanon.

  • The United States invades Grenada.

  • The Reagan Administration creates the Strategic Defense Initiative, nicknamed Star Wars, to block nuclear missile attacks.

  • U.S. presidential election, 1984: Ronald Reagan is re-elected president, with George H. W. Bush re-elected as vice president.

  • Gramm Rudman Hollings Balanced Budget Act

  • The Space Shuttle Challenger explodes 73 seconds after liftoff, killing all seven aboard

  • Tax Reform Act of 1986

  • During a visit to Berlin, Germany, President Reagan challenges Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev to "Tear down this wall!"

  • The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty is signed in Washington, D.C. by President Reagan and Soviet Premier Gorbachev.

  • U.S. presidential election, 1988: George H. W. Bush is elected president, Dan Quayle vice president.

  • The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty goes into effect.

  • Hurricane Hugo strikes the Caribbean and U.S. Southeast Coast, causing $7 billion in damage.

  • President Bush declares a "War on Drugs."

  • President Bush and Soviet Premier Gorbachev release statements indicating that the Cold War between their nations may be coming to an end.

  • The Cold War ends as the USSR is dissolved.

  • Los Angeles riots result in over 60 deaths and $1 billion in damage, spurred by the acquittal of four Los Angeles Police Department officers accused in the videotaped beating of black motorist Rodney King.

  • U.S. presidential election, 1992: Bill Clinton elected president, Al Gore elected vice president.

  • A truck bomb explodes in the parking garage under the World Trade Center in New York City, killing six people and injuring over a thousand

  • Branch Davidians standoff and fire near Waco, Texas, resulting in the deaths of 81 people including their leader, David Koresh.

  • The United States hosts the FIFA World Cup which is won by Brazil

  • Oklahoma City bombing kills 168 and wounds 800.

  • Retired professional football player O. J. Simpson is acquitted of two charges of first-degree murder in the 1994 slayings of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson,

  • TWA Flight 800 explodes off Long Island killing all 230 aboard

  • U.S. presidential election, 1996: Bill Clinton is re-elected president, Al Gore is re-elected vice president.

  • Clinton-Lewinsky scandal: President Clinton is accused of having a sexual relationship with 22-year-old White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

  • Teenage students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold murder 13 other students and teachers at Columbine High School, sparking an international debate on gun control and bullying.

  • U.S. presidential election, 2000: Initial result inconclusive and the result in Florida is disputed. George W. Bush is certified president after a Supreme Court ruling.

  • September 11 attacks; 19 terrorists hijack four planes and crash them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania killing nearly 3,000 people and injuring over 6,000.