
  • Voyager 1

    US spacecraft Voyager 1 sends back 1st close-up pictures of Saturn.
  • Ronald Reagan

    He was inaugurated as the 40th President of the United States of America.
  • Ronald Reagan

    US President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev meet for the first time.
  • Galaxy Birth

    Astronomers at University of California see 1st sight of birth of a galaxy.
  • Cold War

    Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and US President George H. W. Bush, declare the Cold War over.
  • Telescope

    Hubble space telescope is placed into orbit by shuttle Discovery.
  • US

    US reopens Guantanamo Naval base to process refugees.
  • Bill Clinton

    US President Bill Clinton signs welfare reform into law, representing major shift in welfare policy.
  • US Supreme Court

    US Supreme Court releases its decision in Bush v. Gore, settling the recount dispute in Florida's 2000 presidential election in George W. Bush's favor and thus handing him the presidency.
  • US President George W. Bush

    He announces the establishment of the office of Homeland Security.