
  • Election of 1980

    Ronald Reagan wins his first presidential election, defeating former president Jimmy Carter. This made him the 40th president of the United States
  • John Lennon Death

    Beatles member John Lennon was shot and killed in New York outside of his hotel room.
  • Apple Computer

    The first Apple computer was mass produced and sold, marking the beginning of an era of technological domination within the United States.
  • Election of 1984

    Ronald Reagan handily wins over Walter Mondale, winning 49 of 50 states. To this day this is the largest win by any president.
  • Challenger Shuttle failure

    NASA space shuttle Challenger explodes within seconds of takeoff, killing everyone onboard.
  • The Start Treaty

    The United States and Soviet Unions sign a treated that limits the nuclear weaponry and controls it.
  • First Female Secretary of State

    Madeleine Albright becomes the first female Secretary of State in United States history after being appointed by President Bill Clinton
  • 9/11

    The day when Muslim extremists crashed two commercial jets into the World Trade Center