1980-2001 By: Anavya Jernigan

  • Ronald Reagan is elected president

    Ronald Reagan is elected president, defeating Jimmy Carter and John B. Anderson.
  • Ronald Reagan is elected again

    Ronald Reagan defeats his competitor, Walter Mondale, for presidency.
  • Iran-Contra Affair

    The first reports of the Iran-Contra affair surface. The Iran-Contra affair was when the US was using money from Iran's arms sales to fund rebel forces in Nicaragua.
  • Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

    This treaty dismantled all US and Soviet missiles in a 300-3,400 mile range.
  • George H.W. Bush is elected president

    George H.W. Bush was Ronald Reagan's Vice President and was elected president, defeating Michael Dukakis.
  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The Berlin Wall was destroyed and the citizens of East and West Germany were once again able to travel on both sides.
  • The 27th Amendment

    The 27th Amendment was passed, which states that government officials cannot give themselves pay raises.
  • Bill Clinton is elected president

    Bill Clinton is elected president, defeating George H.W. Bush and H.Ross Perot.
  • George W. Bush wins the presidential election

    George W. Bush officially wins the presidential election, after a dead-heat for presidency against Al Gore.
  • 9/11

    Members of the Al-Qaeda terrorist group hijack four US planes and crash them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a cornfield in Pennsylvania. These attacks caused nearly 3,000 deaths.