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    Clinton's Affair

    December 19, 1998. Lied about having an affair with his wife. Tried for impeachment and passed in House, but not the Senate
  • Iran-Iraq war

    Iraq invades Iran and a eight year war breaks out. War ensued due to Iraq's desire to become the dominant state in the Persian Gulf.
  • President: Ronald Reagan

    40th president of the United States of America. Term lasted from January 20, 1981 – January 20, 1989. Won election partially due to Jimmy Carter's unpopularity due to his political decisions about Iran.
  • Sandra Day Becomes the First Woman on the Supreme Court

    Ronald Reagan, as a part of keeping his campaign promises, nominates Sandra Day as the first women to have a chair in the Supreme Court. She was considered conservative.
  • Star Wars Program

    Strategic Defense Initiative (also known as Star Wars program) was announced by Ronald Reagan on March 23, 1983. Designed to protect the United States from Nuclear Warfare.
  • Iran- Contra Affair

    Reagan attempts to sell weapons of arms to Iran in turn for seven American hostages. Once this leaks out to the public, the deal is called off and Reagan denies ever making it.
  • President: George Bush

    41st President of the United States. Term lasted January 20, 1989 – January 20, 1993. Bush's son also became president in 2000. Known for his excellent foreign policy evolving the Cold War, the Invasion of Panama, and more.
  • The Cold War officially ends

    Lasted between 1985–1991. A war of proxy battles on the edge of turning into atomic warfare. War started due to the Soviet's unions disagreement with the diplomacy after WWII. Soviet Union believes the United State's threatens Communism.
  • President: Bill Clinton

    42nd president of the United States. Term lasted from January 20, 1993 – January 20, 2001. Known for his helping cause a time of economic prosperity in America.