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  • Mt. Saint Helen's Eruption

    Kills 57 people and covers areas with ash.
  • Boycott of Russian Olympics

    Boycotting of invasion of Afghanistan​.
  • Reagan is elected.

    Reagan wins by landslide 489-49. The New Right.
  • Iran Releases Hostages

    US citizens held 444 days released.
  • Sandra Day Supreme Court Justice

    First woman on Supreme Court
  • Beirut barracks bombed

  • Apple Computer/MacIntosh

    Produces in home computer
  • Regan is re-elcted

    Won 523-13 (losing only in Minnesota).
  • Challenger Explodes

    Space Shuttle Challenger explodes during liftoff​ killing all on board.
  • Tax Reform Act

    Simplified tax code and tax cuts.
  • Reagan "Tear down this wall"

    Reagan tells Gorbachev to tear Berlin Wall down.
  • Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

    US and USSR limit intermediate-range​ nuclear weapons.
  • George Bush elected

    Winning with 40 states
  • Pan Am Flight Bombing

    Killing all on board.
  • San Francisco Earthquake

    Major earthquake leaving thousands homeless.
  • Berlin wall falls

    East Berliners are allowed to cross wall. Celebrations!
  • Cold War declared over

    George Bush declares Cold War over
  • Hubble Space Telescope Launched

    Enables us see close up and farther.
  • Gulf War (Operation Desert Storm)

    'Shock and Awe' in response to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait
  • USSR is dissolved.

  • 27th Amendment

    Changes congressional salaries.
  • President Clinton is elected

    Won on the platform that the ​economy was more important than character.

    free trade between Mexico, US, and Canada.
  • Oklahoma City Bombing

    Attack on Federal Building, killing 168 people.
  • Lweinsky Scandal

    Affair with intern.
  • Centennial Olympic Park Bombing

    Happened during Summer Olympics killing only 2 but injuring 111.
  • Columbine School shooting.

    Killing 15 students
  • Y2K

    Fear that society would be disrupted because of year glitch.
  • 2000 Presidential Election Bush wins.

    Florida miscount and 'hanging chads' stalls announcing the winner.
  • 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

    Terrorist hijack airliners and attack Twin Towers, Pentagon, and the other crashes. Changes America forever.