
  • Ronald Reagan Becomes US President

    40th President of the United States.
  • Executive Order 12287

    This order provided for the decontrol of crude oil and refined petroleum products.
  • US Invades Grenada

    With the help of six Caribbean nations, the United Stats successfully took down the island of Grenada.
  • Space Shuttle Explodes

    The United States space shuttle, Challenger, exploded after takeoff, killing all of the crew members.
  • Persian Gulf War

    The Persian Gulf War was fought between the United States and the Iraqis in hopes to drive them out of Kuwait.
  • Bill Clinton Becomes US President

    42nd President of the United States
  • Bombing in Oklahoma City

    A federal office building was bombed and 168 people were killed.
  • Population Increases

    According the United States census of 2000, the population increased to more than 280 million people.
  • 9/11 Terrorist Attack

    Two hijacked planes hit New York's trade center towers, another hit the Pentagon, and the last plane crashed in fields of Pennsylvania.