
  • Saint Helen's eruption

    This was the largest and most destructive volcanic eruption of us history. By the end of this a total of 57 people had died made it a very sad time.
  • Fox signs on

    This was the first major network to host nightly programming. Still very popular today.
  • Tear down this wall speech

    President Ronald Reagan makes a speech calling for General secretary of the communist party of the soviet union, to open up the barrier which at the time had divided east and west Berlin.
  • Oklahoma City bombing

    The Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma city was attacked. 168 people were killed, and before 9/11 this was considered the worst tragedy on US soil.
  • Columbine Shooting

    This is known as the fourth deadliest shooting of America school shootings. 15 people were shot including the shooters themselves.
  • 9/11 terrorist attack

    Four airplanes were hijacked two destroyed the twin towers in NYC, one into the pentagon, and the other into a field. More than 6,000 killed and many more injured. This is still a very sensitive subject in US history and is recognized every year.