1980 U.S. Presidential Election
This was the 49th presidential election. Republican Ronald Reagan defeated Democrat Jimmy Carter. -
FOX News Signs On
FOX News was the first major network to host nightly programming and is still broadcasted today. -
Tax Reform Act of 1986
This act simplified the tax code and broadened the tax base. Also known as "Reagan Tax Cuts." -
Lewinsky Scandal
This scandal involved Bill Clinton making sexual contact with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. -
Columbine Massacre
This was the fourth deadliest school shooting in U.S. history. 15 people were killed in total including the shooters which took place at Columbine High School. -
Four airplanes were hijacked and two destroyed the twin towers in New York City. As for the other two, one crashed into the Pentagon and the other crashed into a field in PA after the passengers took back control over the plane.