
  • Refugee Act

    Refugee Act
    This Act was created to provide a permanent and systematic procedure for the admission to the United States of refugees.
  • Presidential election of 1980

    Presidential election of 1980
    Ronald Reagan defeats Jimmy Carter and becomes the 40th president of the U.S.
  • Presidential election of 1984

    Presidential election of 1984
    Ronald Reagan is re-elected over Vice President Walter Mondale.
  • Tax Reform of 1986

    Tax Reform of 1986
    The Tax Reform was signed into law by President Ronald Reagan as his top domestic priority of his second term.
  • Presidential election of 1988

    Presidential election of 1988
    Republican Vice President, George H W. Bush is elected 41st president of the U.S.
  • Cold War and USSR ends

    Cold War and USSR ends
    After the Berlin Wall came down, the Col War was considered over and since communism dissolved, so did the USSR.
  • 27th Amendment

    27th Amendment
    This Amendment states that no law varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened.
  • Presidential election of 1992

    Presidential election of 1992
    Democratic Governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton defeated current Republican President George H. W. Bush and became the 42nd president of the U.S.
  • Presidential election of 1996

    Presidential election of 1996
    Current president, Bill Clinton was re-elected over Bob Dole.
  • Presidential election of 2000

    Presidential election of 2000
    Republican candidate, Governor of Texas, and son of George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, won the election over Democratic nominee Al Gore, the current vice president.
  • 9/11

    Four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Wahhabi terrorist group Al-Qaeda against the United States. The largest attack was on the Twin Towers in New York City in which two planes crashed into the towers and caused them to collapse