
  • The Refugee Act

    The Refugee Act is signed into law, reforming United States immigration law and admitted refugees on systematic basis for humanitarian reasons
  • Mount St. Helens

    The Mount St. Helens eruption in Washington on 18 May kills 57.
  • 1980 Presidential Election

    U.S. presidential election, 1980: Ronald Reagan is elected president, with George H. W. Bush elected vice president
  • Reagan's Term Begins

    Ronald Reagan inaugurated as the 40th President (January 20, 1981-January 20, 1989); George Bush becomes Vice President. On the same day Iran releases hostages, marking the end of the Iran hostage crisis .
  • Ronald Reagan- Attempted Assassination

    Attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan by John Hinckley Jr.
  • US Presidential Election

    U.S. presidential election, 1984: Ronald Reagan is re-elected president, with George H. W. Bush re-elected as vice president.
  • 1985 Terms Begin

    President Reagan and Vice President Bush begin their second terms.
  • Space Shuttle Challenger Explodes

    The Space Shuttle Challenger explodes 73 seconds after liftoff, killing all seven aboard (including school teacher Christa McAuliffe) and grounding the nation's space program for 2½ years.
  • Tax Reform Act

    The act was designed to simplify the federal income tax code and broaden the tax base by eliminating many tax deductions and tax shelters.
  • Presidential Election

    U.S. presidential election, 1988: George H. W. Bush is elected president, Dan Quayle vice president.
  • Presidential Term Begins

    Bush sworn in as the 41st President, Quayle as Vice President.
  • End of Cold War

    The Cold War ends as the USSR is dissolved.
  • The Gulf War

    The Gulf War is waged in the Middle East, by a U.N.-authorized coalition force from thirty-four nations, led by the U.S. and United Kingdom, against Iraq.
  • U.S. Presidential Election

    U.S. presidential election, 1992: Bill Clinton elected president, Al Gore elected vice president
  • Hurricane Andrew

    Hurricane Andrew, a Category 5 hurricane, kills 65 people and causes $26 billion in damage to Florida and other areas of the U.S. Gulf Coast, and will be the costliest natural disaster until Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
  • Bill Clinton Term Begins

    Bill Clinton becomes the 42nd President, Al Gore becomes Vice President.
  • Don't ask, don't tell law

    President Clinton signs 'Don't ask, don't tell' into law which prohibits openly gay or bisexual people from serving in the military.
  • North American Free Trade Agreement

    North American Free Trade Agreement goes in effect.
  • Oklahoma City Bombing

    Oklahoma City bombing kills 168 and wounds 800. The bombing is the worst domestic terrorist incident in U.S. history, and the investigation results in the arrests of Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols.
  • U.S. Presidential Election

    U.S. presidential election, 1996: Bill Clinton is re-elected president, Al Gore is reelected vice president
  • Second Term Begins

    President Clinton and Vice President Gore begin their second terms.
  • Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal

    Clinton-Lewinsky scandal: President Clinton is accused of having a sexual relationship with 22-year-old White House intern Monica Lewinsky. This leads to the impeachment of Clinton later in the year by the U.S. House of Representatives. Clinton is acquitted of all impeachment charges of perjury and obstruction of justice in a 21-day Senate trial
  • U.S. Presidential Election

    U.S. presidential election, 2000: Initial result inconclusive and the result in Florida is disputed. George W. Bush is certified president after a Supreme Court ruling. Vice President Al Gore wins the nationwide popular vote but loses the electoral college.
  • 9/11 Terrorist Attack

    September 11 attacks; 19 terrorists hijack four planes and crash them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania killing nearly 3,000 people and injuring over 6,000. All civilian air traffic is suspended for three days, the first time an unplanned suspension had occurred in U.S. history.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act education reform bill passed.
  • Patriot Act

    Patriot Act, increasing law enforcement agencies' ability to conduct searches in cases of suspected terrorism. Agencies were enforced.