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By alyssum
  • Election of 1980

    Election of 1980
    Carter’s opponent in the general election was Ronald Reagan, a former Hollywood actor who had served two terms as governor of California. Reagan ran as a staunch fiscal conservative and a Cold War hawk, vowing to reduce government spending and shrink the federal bureaucracy.
  • Reagan's Assassination Attempt

    Reagan's Assassination Attempt
    On March 30, 1981, Reagan survived an assassination attempt by a mentally unstable young man named John Hinckley. Public support swelled for the hospitalized president.
  • Debut of MTV

    Debut of MTV
    Few cable channels so captured the popular imagination as MTV, which debuted in 1981. Telegenic artists like Madonna, Prince, and Michael Jackson skillfully used MTV to boost their reputations and album sales.
  • Operation Urgent Fury

    Operation Urgent Fury
    When communists with ties to Cuba overthrew the government of the nation of Grenada in October 1983, Reagan dispatched the U.S. Marines to the island. The Grenada invasion overthrew the leftist government after less than a week of fighting. Despite the relatively minor nature of the mission, its success gave victory-hungry Americans something to cheer about after the military debacles of the previous two decades.
  • Tax Reform Act of 1986

    Tax Reform Act of 1986
    This bill lowered the top corporate tax rate from 46 percent to 34 percent and reduced the highest marginal income tax rate from 50 percent to 28 percent, while also simplifying the tax code and eliminating numerous loopholes.
  • Black Friday

    Black Friday
    Reckless speculation helped drive the stock market steadily upward until the crash of October 19, 1987. On Black Friday, the market plunged eight hundred points, erasing 13 percent of its value. Investors lost more than $500 billion.
  • The Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty of 1987

    The Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty of 1987
    The Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty of 1987 was a landmark agreement which committed both sides to a sharp reduction in their nuclear arsenal.
  • Operation Rescue

    Operation Rescue
    In 1988 evangelical activist Randall Terry founded Operation Rescue, an organization that targeted abortion clinics and pro-choice politicians with confrontational—and sometimes violent—tactics. Operation Rescue demonstrated that the fight over abortion would grow only more heated in the 1990s.
  • Reunification of Germany

    Reunification of Germany
    The reunification of Germany was a process where the German Democratic Republic became a part of the Federal Republic of Germany. The third of October is celebrated as German Unity Day in Germany.
  • Soviet Union Dissolved

    Soviet Union Dissolved
    The Soviet Union began crumbling in the late 1980s. Mikhail Gorbachev’s proposed reforms unraveled the decaying Soviet system rather than bringing it stability. By 1991 the Soviet Union itself had vanished, dissolving into a Commonwealth of Independent States.
  • Election of 2000

    Election of 2000
    The 2000 election pitted Vice President Albert Gore Jr. against George W. Bush, the twice-elected Texas governor and son of the former president. Gore ran as a pragmatic, moderate liberal. Bush, too, ran as a moderate, claiming to represent a compassionate conservatism and a new faith-based politics.
  • 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

    9/11 Terrorist Attacks
    These were four coordinated suicide terrorist attacks carried out by the militant Islamic extremist network al-Qaeda. The hijackers successfully crashed two planes into the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, and a third plane into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. The fourth plane was intended to hit a federal government building in Washington, D.C., but instead crashed in a field outside Shanksville, Pennsylvania following a passenger revolt.