Mount Saint Helen's Eruption
Mount St. Helens became the largest and most destructive volcanic eruption in U.S. history. By the end of its cycle of fire and fury, 57 people had died. -
MTV goes on air for the first time ever -
Sandra Day O'Conner
First female of the Supreme Court -
Challenger Crash
The space shuttle Challenger exploded during lift off, killing all on board including school teacher Christa McAuliffe. -
Tax Reform Act
Simplified the tax code and broadedned the tax base. It was referred to as "Reagan tax cuts". -
Oklahoma City Bombing
The Oklahoma City Bombing was an attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. 168 people were killed including 19 children under the age of 6 -
Columbine Massacre
Fourth deadliest school shooting in US history. 15 peoeple killed total including the shooters. -
four airplanes were hijacked and two destroyed the twin towers in NYC, one crashed into the Pentagon, and the fourth was crahed in a field in PA after the passenges on board took over the aircraft.