
1976-1986 Timeline

  • First VCR to use VHS

    First VCR to use VHS
    Developed in Japan by JVC - Victor Company of Japan.
    VCRs allowed us to record our favorite shows to watch over again later or just watch a favorite movie anytime we wanted.
  • Period: to

    Timeline 1976-1986

  • Walkman

    Invented in Japan by Sony Corp. Allowed us to take our tunes anywhere we went. Could play non stop music without radio commercials.
  • Cordless Phone

    Cordless Phone
    Invented by George Sweigert and Teri Pail.
    No longer needed long phone cord in order to move around the house when talking on the phone. Did not have to stay in one spot. Could enjoy private conversations by carrying the phone into another room.
  • CD's

    Invented by Philips and Sony Corporations, CD's were a more advance way of listening to music. CD's could store more music and had a clearer sound. They were also thin and easy to store and carry around.
  • IBM's Own Personal Computer

    IBM's Own Personal Computer
    First personal computer created by IBM that people could use at home.