1975- North Vietnam invades
North Vietnam attacked and defends South Vietnam. Since they attacked there was nowhere for people to live from South Vietnam. The south won by a landslide because they had the resources. So over 1 million refugees from south Vietnam came to live in the united states. -
1978- Camp david accords
The camp David Accords were signed by Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem on September 17, 1978. Following 12 days of secret negotiation at camp David. The president at the time Jimmy Carter meet them to determine " Land for peace " exchange in the midwest. -
1979- Renewal of cold war
After Afghanistan President carter agreed to detente flier. Western foreign policy attempt toward the Soviet Union abandon. In 1980 there was a boycott of the Moscow Olympics. Weakening in national and international affairs troubles Americans. -
1979- Afganastan war
Soviets invade Afganistan and start a puppet government. The United States sends the rebels guns to fight the soviets. The rebels were led by Osama Ben laden. The war lasted ten years until the soviets withdrew. -
1980- Cuba
Over 200,000 Cuban immigrants arrived in the U.S. There were 1,700 boats full of people coming into the U.S. There were so many people the coast guard was overwhelmed. Some of the boats had so many that they capsized and people would die. -
1980- Operation Eagle Claw
Operation eagle claw was a hostage crisis involving the United States and 52 embassy hostages. U.S. president Jimmy Carter attempted to save the hostages but failed. President Carter blamed his loss on U.S. presidential election. He sent 8 helicopters to the first staging area and only 5 made it back because of people and accidents. Operation eagle claw was one of delta forces first and hardest missions. -
1981 "Second Cold War"
They increased military spending. They increased it to get more research and to make new weapons. One of their ideas was a giant laser in space to shoot down missiles. Another thing they where trying to was expand the navy. -
1986- Iran-Contra Affair
White house officials sold weapons to Iran and gave profits to contrast. This secret affair was denied by congress originally. Weapons were given to Iran in order to help save Americans who were taken hostage. -
1989 - End of Soviet Empire
The fall of the Soviet Union was symbolized by the falling of the Berlin Wall. Ronald Reagan gave his historic speech with the quote, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall" in Berlin. This interaction between the two superpower leaders helped to end the Cold War. The Soviet Union was not the hard-line communist country it once was. -
1990 - Panama
The United states attacked Panama also know as "Operation just cause". It happened between December 1989 and late January 1990. It happened during the administration of president Bush and ten years before the Torrijos carter treaties were ratified. During this time the leader of Panama was removed from office. -
1991- Gulf war
Gulf war also know as operation Operation Desert Storm. It lead to the buildup of troops and defense in Saudi Arabia. Desert storm in its combat, the war waged by forces from 35 nations led by the united states agaginst iraq. President Bush was the one who sent the troops over there and incuraged other places to send there troops. -
1993- Declaration of Principles
The Declaration of Principles on interim Self-Government Arrangement AKA (DOP). They had a meeting to make peace between Israeli and Palestinian. The Prime Minister of Israel Yitzhak Rabin, President Bill Clinton and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat had a signing Ceremony to make peace. They meet face to face and sign the agreement to resolve the conflict between the two countries. -
1993- NAFTA
The north American free trade agreement (NAFTA) it was passed when Clinton was in office. It was a free trade pact with Mexico, Canada, and the U.S. Labor unions didn't like the idea but it would help trading farmed goods. Clinton wanted to boost the economic stability. -
1994- Haiti
U.S. uses threats of force to oust a military dictatorship in Haiti and restores the elected President Aristide. It was a war constructed to remove the military regime put in order by the 1991 Haitian coup that overthrew the elected President. The mission was effectively authorized by July 1994 United Nations. The war started because of United States and its allies they forced their way into the islands nation of Haiti. -
1994 - Vietnam
President Clinton lifts 19 year trade embargo. He lifted the embargo so that the united states and vietnam where friend so that people could go look for MIAs and POWs that were unaccounted for after the war. Another reason he lifted it was he thought that it would benefit the economics of both nations. They have found 325 missing people for the war and there are still over a thousand still missing.