Jan 3, President Gerald Ford signed the Jackson-Vanik amendment into law, after both houses of the United States Congress unanimously voted for its adoption. Congress had passed the Jackson-Vanik amendment for economic sanctions on Russia to pressure the Soviet Union to allow unfettered emigration for Soviet Jews. Pres. Bush in 2001 proposed that it be lifted. This event is relevant because it shows how much influence the US held over the USSR. -
Jul 17, A US Apollo spaceship docked with a Soyuz spacecraft in orbit in the first superpower linkup of its kind. Soviet cosmonauts Valery Kubasov (1935-2014) and lt. Col. Alexei A. Leonov spent 44 hours with Brig. Gen. Thomas P. Stafford, Deke Slayton and Vance D. Brand. This event is relevant because it shows how the USSR and the US could come together with the intelligence both nations possessed for the advancement of mankind. -
Sep 6, A Soviet pilot landed his MIG-25 in Tokyo and asked for political asylum in the United States. This event is relevant because it shows how their was a constant relationship, whether positive or negative, being maintained between the US and the USSR.