Supply Block
The Opposition tried to block Supply. -
There was a by-election in the Tasmanian seat of Bass. Labor not only lost the seat but but suffered an 18% swing towards the Opposition. -
State Election
Don Dunstan in South Australia barely won the state election for the Labor Government. -
Senate Block
The Senate finally blocked Supply, they would not agree ti a double dissolution. It was a stale mate with no side giving way. -
Sir John Kerr Asks for Advice
Sir John Kerr met with the Chief Justice of the High Court, SIr Garfield Barwick for advice about the Supply problem. Barwick suggested that he should use his 'reserve powers' under the Constitution and dismiss Whitlam. -
The Dismisal
On the afternoon on Rememberance Day, Whitlam was dismissed. -
Liberal won the election with 91 seats, Labor had 36. This was the largest win in any election in Australia's history. Malcolm Fraser was the new Prime Minister of Australia.