Period: to
1970's Time line
Watergate was considered a 3rd rate burglary and President Nixon was accused of participateing in it. Supposably 5 men were hired to to break into the watergate hotel and listen in on a meeting. In the spring of April 30, 1973, the watergate scandal became public. It is said that President Nixon had a tape recording system in his office and had listened to many speeches. -
Saturday Night Massacre
After the watergate scandal, Nixon ordered Eliot Richardson from the White House to fire everyone. This is known as the Saturday Night Massacure. Nixon wanted all the people involved in the Watergate scandal fired. -
Richard Nixon Resigns
Richard Nixon Resigns from presidency before being impeached. The next president then comes in. The next president is Gerold Ford. in Nixons bazar last speech he says, " Those who hate you don;t win, unless you hate them." It was said that nixon could have pulled out a gun and shot himself by the way he looked while giving his speech, (the expressiojn on his face and his emotion state of mind from what had happened,) -
Saigon Falls
This marks the end of the Vietnam war. On April 29th North Vietnam attacked saigon for the final time and the last two American soldiers were killed. After the attack, American soldiers were being evacuated. along with many South Vietnamese -
Jimmy Carter elected
Jimmy carter was the 39th president of the United States. There was a center named after him, the Carter Center. Jimmy carter was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. -
John Lennon
John Lennon was former member of the Beatles. John Lennon was shot and killed outside his appartment. There were many shots that rang out. Nobody relly knew what happened to john Lennon. Lennon was shot by the 25 year old, Mark David Chapman, a psychiatrist that was said to be a borderline psycotic. Chapman pleaded guilty to murder of Lennon. -
Ronald Reagan in to offcie
Ronald Reagan came into office and his wife had said that he was the knight in shining armor coming in to rescue the America. A couple days after being sworn in to office the was an assination attempt on Reagan's life. March 30, 1981, Ronald Reagan was wounded and his son said that his dad joked all the way to the hospital because that was just the way he was. Even after being out of presidency it was a sad day when president Ronald Reagan past away. -
Nobody knew what aids was only that it was a rare form of cancer. many people thought only those in the gay community could get aids. People finally realized that aids was no joking matter after a great athlete, Magic Johnson got aids and came out to talk about how he had aids and that many people died from this disease. Discovered by a man named Robert Gallo -
The Challenger
The Challenger was a space craft that had six pro. astronauts and one teacher, Sharon Christa McAuliffe, the first teacher (a well loved teacher) to go into space. Less then two minutes after take off The Challenger exploded into a fire ball in front of millions of people. -
The belin wall
November 10th was the day the people started to take doen teh Berlin wall. The Belin wall divided the people from East and West Germany. The was patroled and if anybody tried to cross they were shot or jailed and executed, A famous saying for the Berlin wall is, " Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" -
Los Angeles Riots
3 white police men beat a black person and criminal charged were filed against them. Later on it was like the city had explosded because of all the fires and people were mad. 1400 people were injured and 38 dead. Bill Cosby said that many white people still looked at the color of th blacks skin and felt free to say that they were different then everybody else. -
Floods of '93
The floods of 1993 spread aacross the America Midwest. The Mississippi River ran around 6-10 feet above flood stage adn around June it started receding, yet again to come back up to flood stage. When finally it receded to to under flood stage other rivers were up to flood stage. Around October was when the floods finally dropped down to below flood stage. -
Oklahome city bomb
Near Oklahoma City there was truck bomb set off that shattered the building next to it snd left many people and children injured and even dead. After the bomb went off they thought it must be a terrorist but they later found out it was a home grown terrorist. A man who was mad at the government. One scene showed a policeman pukling young child from the ruble and trying to get her to respond. The Child never resonded. -
OJ Simpson Murdar case
OJ simpson was taken into custady and put in front of a judge for a suposed murdar. He pleaded 100% not guilty for the case and the judge found him not guilty. The people of the victums families do not agree and are very hateful of Oj Simpson -
The impeachment of the Presdient
President Bill Clinton was impeached by the house. He had had affairs will the Monica Lewinsky, a White House intern. These were not the only reasons for his impeachment. There were also other lies from Clinton. He lied under his oath and therefore were more reasons for the house to impeach him. -
On this day the twin towers in New york were taken down by terrorist planes. At the time nobody knew who to blame. After the Crash and while the buildings were coming down there were people jumping out of the towers to try and get out. Thousands died and it was a very tragic day and still is. The is a picture of fireman putting up the U.S flag to show that the U.S is still going to stand strong. -
in 2003 was when the U.S. first invaded Iraq, but before the war Tom Brokaw went over and there were many people in Iraq that did not like Sadam but they said they would still rather fight America then fight their own countey. The United States said that a free Iraq would make a better country