Atari 2600

1970s Timeline

  • Kent State Shootings

    Ohio National Guardsmen on the campus were trieing to maintain the vietbam protests. They suddenly shot into the crowd for an unknown reason, killing four and injuring nine others.
  • 26th Amendment

    The 26thh amendment dealt with youth suffrage. It lowered the voting age to 18.
  • First Generation Video Game Console

    The first comme
  • Munich Olympics Massacre

    The terrorist group Black September snuck into the Olympic village and killed two Israeli athletes. They took nine hostage, and they were later killed in a shootout.
  • Pay Television

    HBO, the first paid television channel, was a sign of the growing popularity of television as a way of entertainment.
  • Roe v. Wade

    Roe v. Wade
    Held women's right to choose to have an abortion, but it did not end the debate on the topic. It solved the issue that Texas had outlawed abortion.
  • U.S, Withdraws from Vietnam

    Two months after the peace agreement, the U.S. pulls its troops out of Vietnam. This finally relaxed the anti-war tension.
  • Chinese Terracotta Army found

    Eight thousand terracotta soldiers were found gaurding Qin Shi Huang. They were found by farmers and tell us a lot about ancient chinese history.
  • NIxon Resigns

    President Nixon resigns due to the watergate scandal. It was also decided that the President had to give up tapes he recorded in the oval office.
  • Microsoft Founded

    Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded the company with Gates as CEO, and they began work with BASIC, and went on to OS. They eventually changed the world of computers and Microsoft is still around.
  • Atari 2600

    The Atari 2600 was the first video game console to be commercially successful. It established game consoles and with the use of cartridges, paved the way for Nintendo.
  • Star Wars Film

    Star Wars was a huge pop culture phenomenon that spawned comic books and video games, as well as a second trilogy. It was a huge feat in film.
  • Jonestown Massacre

    Peoples Temple cult leader Jim Jones convinced 912 people to drink cyanide-laced fruit punch in "revolutionary suicide."
  • Margaret Thatcher

    Margaret Thatcher was the first Female Prime Minister of the UK and she was a symbol of feminism.
  • Iran hostage crisis

    52 Americans were held hostage for 444 days. It was a blow from Iran to America because its influence in Iran.