
1970s Significant Inventions

  • Email

    Ray Tomlinson is universally credited as the creator of email.
    He developed the first system able to send mail between users on different hosts across the ARPANET, using the @ sign to link the user name with a destination server. This completely changed the way businesses and people can connect with one another in a more formal way.
  • Atari's PONG

    Atari's PONG
    Designed by Allan Alcorn
    Manufactured by Atari, IMC
    A table tennis- theme arcade sports video game. This groundbreaking electronic game featured two-dimensional graphics in which players used paddles to hit a ball back and forth across the screen. It was the first commercially successful video game and set the stage for modern video games.

    Invented by Dr. Paul Friedl
    The beginning of portable computers. The IBM SCAMP was designed to be portable. It hopes to fold like a suitcase and includes accessories like monitors, keyboards, and cassette tape storage. This invention concept is like a pre-modern version of today's laptop.
  • First Digital Camera

    First Digital Camera
    Invented by the Kodak Engineer, Steve Sasson.
    This camera was about the size of a breadbox and it took 23 seconds to capture a single image. However, this transformed the efficiency of capturing our memories opposed to other complicated photographic technologies.
  • Handheld Cell Phones

    Handheld Cell Phones
    Invented and designed by Martin Cooper
    Designed to switch accessibility from land lines to hand-held communication devices. Due to the numerous introductions and evolving designs of hand-held cell phones, generations across the globe now are able to communicate with one another miles away.