First robot to be controlled by artificial intelligence
The first robot to be controlled by artificial intelligence was created on September 6, 1970. The robots name was Shakey, and it was controled by a computer program called STRIP. Shaket has sensors and lasers to map put his environment, that is how it navigated around hallways. -
First microprocessor, the Intel 4004
The worlds first gerneral Micrrprocessor, was the Intel 4004. It was the birth of moodern computing in the world. It came out in November 1971. -
First home Magnavix Oddessey counsil
On May 21, 1972 Pong released its first at home game consol. The council hooked up to the television, and the game with is was called pong. The original model was made in 1972, and the updated models were made in 1973-1975. -
First Hp-35
The first hp-35 was created on November 8, 1972. The Hp-35 was the first hand heald scientific caculator. It had 35 buttons, like the name says. Bill Hewlet challenged HP to make a computer to fit in his shirt pocket, and the Hp-35 is what he got. -
Humaniod robot
On February 16,1973 the first humaniod robot was built. The robot was created in Weseda University, by Ichiro Kato and his class. The human sized robot could walk, and transport objects with touch sensative hands. The robot had the intelligence of a one and a half year old ,its name was wabot-1. -
First Cellular phone
The first cell phone was invented on April 3, 1973. Dr. Martin Cooper, inventor, also made the first call on the cell phone. The phone was called the Motorola Dynastic 8000X. -
On Janurary 26, 1974, Alto was created. Alto was created by Xerox Palo Alto Research Center. Alto was the first work station with a built in mouse, and could hook up to local network. -
The Silver Arm
The Silver Arm was created on April 25, 1974. The creator of the silver arm was David Sliver. Using touch sensor the robotic arm assembled small parts, like human fingers. -
First chickenpox vaccine
The first chickenpox vaccine was created on July 15, 1974. The creator was Michiaki Takahashi. Chickenpox are most common in children, but adults can get them. The chickenbox virus can also cause shingles. -
vaccine for meningitis
The Major inprovment of the meningitis vaccine was on September 23, 1974. The vaccine proctected agains 4 of the 5 disease causing bacterias. Meningitis is inflamation of the membranes surrounding the central nervous system. -
First video arcade game
The first video arcade game was invented on May 16, 1975. The game was EVR Race. The EVR Race was created by Nintendo who later created many more video games. -
First super computer
The first supercomputer was created on September 8, 1976. It was created by Seymour Cray, who founded Cray Research. The supercomputer was called the Cray-1. -
First xerographic laser printer
The first xeographic laser printer was invented on April 16,1977.The printer was called the Xerox 9700 Electric Printing System. It was invented Gary Starkweather, who was a Xerox engineer. -
Speak and spell
The speak and spell was created on June 22,1978. The creators of speak and spell were Texal Instruments. The speak and spell was a toy for ages 7 and up, it could use digital information to form words. -
First Laptop
The first laptop was invented on August 21, 1979. The designer was Bill Moggridge. GRiD Systems Corporation improved the design by making a foldown display that covered the keyboard.