1970 Timeline

  • nijinsky

    wins triple crown of British THroughbred racing
  • World series 1971

    World series 1971
    pirates win world series
  • Olympics 1972

    Olympics 1972
    summer olympics held in Munich, Germany
  • Super bowl 1973

    Super bowl 1973
    Super bowl held in Miami and won by Dolphins
  • oakland world series 1974

    oakland world series 1974
    oakland wins the world series for the third time
  • US open 1975

    US open 1975
    golf US open won by Lou Graham
  • Winter Olympics 1976

    Winter Olympics 1976
    winter olympics held in Innsbruck Austria
  • Tour de France winner 1977

    Tour de France winner 1977
    tour de france won by Bernard Thevenet
  • CommonWeith games 1978

    CommonWeith games 1978
    common welth games held in Edmonton, Canada
  • Argentina FIFA 1979

    Argentina FIFA 1979
    Fifa world cup held in Argentina won by Argentina