1970's History Events

By peytonv
  • Earth Day

    Earth Day
    Gaylord Nelson started an annual tradition for the Earth to keep the world clean. On this day every year people pick up trash and try to make Earth a cleaner world.
  • Kent State

    Kent State
    4 students were shot and 9 were injured at Kent state by guardsmen. Some of the students were protesting the Cambodian Campaign and the other were watching the protesting from distances.
  • Watergate

    People broke into the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office complex. The Nixon Committee office was the group in charge of the break in.
  • Munich Games

    Munich Games
    11 people from the Israeli Olympic team and a police officer were all taken under hostage and were eventually killed.
  • Vietnam

    The United States took their troops out of Vietnam before the war was over in 1975.
  • Nixon Resigns

    Nixon Resigns
    As the investigation went on for the watergate scandal the House Judiciary Committee requested that the House of Representatives would impeach Nixon. Nixon finally resigned before he was impeached.
  • Gerald Ford Assasination Attempts

    Gerald Ford Assasination Attempts
    Lynette Fromme tried to kill Gerald Ford in California but her gun failed to shoot. For trying to shoot the president she spent 34 years in prison.
  • Roots

    A miniseries of a novel written by Alex Hailey.
  • Star Wars

    Star Wars
    A Fiction movie with many special effects and made up space/robot creatures.
  • Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley
    Elvis died from overdosing on drugs not from his doctor. He was found in his bathroom unresponsive and then was taken to the hospital where he died.
  • John Paul the Second

    John Paul the Second
    He was a pope called to be a pope in 1978, who is recognized as someone who was helping end communist rule.
  • Margaret Thatcher

    Margaret Thatcher
    First woman prime minister in Britain. She opposed Soviet communism, fought a war to kepp the Falkland Islands, and many more things that helped Britain.
  • Three Mile Island

    Three Mile Island
    A nuclear plant that overheated and caused thousands of people near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania to leave the area because of fear from explosion in the plant.
  • Iran Hostages

    Iran Hostages
    66 American hostages were taken in Iran and were kept until Iran and the United states made a deal to release them.