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1970, as war spilled over into Cambodia, Prince Sihanouk was overthrown by General Lon Nol.

  • the mid 1800's

    Cambodia like most other countries in Asia, came under increasing preasure from European colonial power.
  • 1863

    The country agreed to protection from France. King Norodom signed a Protectorate Treaty between King Norodom and the French.
  • 1904

    The dynasties switched. The heir apparent, a Norodom, was replaced instead with a Sisowath.
  • 1945

    the Japanese briefly ousted the French.
  • 1950 - 60's

    Cambodia was self­sufficient and prospered in many areas.
  • 1953

    He succeeded in winning independence for Cambodia, effectively ending 90 years under French protectorate.
  • 1970

    As war spilled over into Cambodia, Prince Sihanouk was overthrown by General Lon Nol.
  • 1975

    Lon Nol 's weakened government was itself overthrown by the Khmer Rouge.
  • 1980's

    Cambodia began to rebuild with the assistance of Vietnamese military and political advisers whilst under Vietnamese political protection.
  • 1989

    The Vietnamese withdrew the last of their troops and the government renamed the country State of Cambodia.
  • 1991

    Reated the United Nations Transitional Authority (UNTAC).
  • 1993

    The same year King Norodom Sihanouk returned to the throne. His majesty remains a symbol of national unity to his people.
  • 1993 2

    Supervised general elections in Cambodia
  • 1998

    The Vietnamese withdrew the last of their troops and the government renamed the country State of Cambodia.
  • 1979

    The Khmer Rouge were overthrown and the Vietnamese­backed People's Republic of Kampuchea was established.