
  • Feeding the world

    Feeding the world
    The american doller increased oppertunites for ag exports. And now the ecomomy depended on trades for other countarys.
  • Period: to


    Carson lane and aubrey
  • Agricultural Act of 1970

    Agricultural Act of 1970
    The bill created a major controversy among farm groups, congress and admiistration. Admistration wanted to replace parity for flexable supports based on world market prices. Farm groups wanted the opposite they belived that their income would be lowered.
  • Boom of the 1970s

    Boom of the 1970s
    Farmers made up 4.6% of the population In the 1970s.Now they make up a little over one percent. This shows how many farmers there were in the 70s.
  • New pesticides and herbicides

    New pesticides and herbicides
    New pesitesides came out in the 70s and farmers started to adaobt to them. Increased forgin trade with the soviet union.
  • Energy Crisis

    Energy Crisis
    The Opec refused to ship oil to the United States the price of oil then rose dramatically. The crisis affected farmers greatly cause now they couldn't pay for gas and the price of livestock and crops surged
  • Agriculture and cosumer Protections Act of 1973

    Agriculture and cosumer Protections Act of 1973
    This law maximizes payments for commodities to 20,000$. Also gave provisions and guidence for many feilds of agroculture.
  • 1980 interest rates

    1980 interest rates
    because of European subsidies, and interest rates in the United States rose. Then President Jimmy Carter cancelled sales of American grain to the Soviet Union in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Compounding these problems, periods of drought during the decade affected many regions of the country
  • A decade of drought

    A decade of drought
    During the 80s sevaral parts of the us had serouis droughts
  • A new way to mannage farms

    A new way to mannage farms
    Farmers needed to become better business managers and computer users in order to succeed.
  • Farm AID organization

    Farm AID organization
    It was in illinois it was a concert that help rasise money for farmers who where threated by losing their farms.
  • Conservation tillage 1945- 1987

    Conservation tillage 1945- 1987
    It took up 14 labor hours to produce 100 bushels of corn on 2 acres and by 2002 it took under 3 labor hours to produce 100 bushels on less than one acers.
  • Food, Ag, coservation, and trade act of 1990.

    Food, Ag, coservation, and trade act of 1990.
    farm bills were signed under president bush to move Ag in a market oriented direction.