Beatles Break Up
The band the beatle break up. -
Abortion's Legalized
Abortion was legalized in the Roe vs. Wade decision. A woman has the decision of whether or not she wants to have an abortion. -
Elvis Presley dead
Elvis Presley known for his pop and country music or gospel music he was a singer as well. He was found dead in 1977 in a bathroom in his home in Grace Land in Memphis. -
PAC-MAN Released
Pac-Man the video game was released in Japan. This yellow shaped pac-man character travels around a maze collecting white dots trying to avoid the ghost. Still till this day pac-man is a popular game. -
John Lennon
The assaination of John Lennon was on December 8th, 1980. He was one of the musicans from the band the Beatles. He was shot by Mark David Chapman at the entrance of the building he lived in. -
Personal Computers introduced
They were created by a group of engineers and designers all by the help of a guy named Don Estridge. -
E.T Movie Relased
The movie E.T was released in 1982. This was about a 10 year old boy who's name was elliot and had made friends with a lost allien named E.T. He had to hide E.t from adults and his parents. Their mission was to help E.T fine a way back to home. Home- Phone. -
PG-13 rating is created
The PG-13 rating was created because of violent scences and means parents strongly be cautious. There is sexual stuff in there so parents have to be with child -
Titanic Found
The discovery of the titanic ship was found. -
Berlin wall Falls
It was in the evening when the berlin wall fell. The people who heard on the brodcast were in shock