• World War II

  • Period: to

    20th Century European History

  • Period: to


  • Period: to


  • French Surrenders

  • French Surrenders to Germany

  • Germanys Six'th Battel

  • Bettino Craxi leaves Italy

  • Great Britan and France start to tunnel under English channel

  • D-Day in normandy

  • Hitlers Death

  • Hitler commits suicide

  • D-day

  • Cold War

  • The Berlin Airlift

  • Long John and the silver Beatles

  • U.s. Pilot Gary Powers Captured by Soveits

  • Cyprus Becomes Independent Nation

  • Yuri Gagarin Becomes First Man In Space

  • Jouhn charlie Creats The First Hip Replacment

  • Berlin Wall Built

  • Britan formally tables to join EEC

  • Rolling Stones Gave 1st apperence in London

  • Pope John XXIII DIes

  • Valetina Tershkova Is The First Woman In Space

  • Britishfashion designer linches mini skirt

  • Nothern Irland football player voted europes best

  • Edward heath becomes prime minister after leading the conservites to the elections

    He got into the europeon market wich changed their way of trading and allowed them to make more money
  • Period: to


  • Period: to


  • Russian ballerina Natnia makarova defects tour to the west acomponed with kriov company in lond

    Her performes set standers of artisity.she was the best ballerina in her generation
  • The soveits built the first space station

    But the Three
  • 95 year old spanish cellist

  • Bloody Sunday

    Paratroopers open fire on a thirteen people to reduce rioting.
  • Evactuion of the 5200-year-old

  • Independence in Western Sahara

  • Jaques Chirac elected mayor of paris

  • Pope john dies after 33 days

  • War in Falklands

  • Leach Walesa becomes leader of strike in poland

  • Ingured Pope

  • Wojcech jaruzlski becomes prime minster of poland

  • Lenoid Brezhnev DIes in office

  • lech Walsea Wins noble peace prize

  • English set olimpic and world records

  • Alec Jeffrys invents Gentic Fingerprinting

  • 17 yearyold one winbledom youngest to win

  • Boris Becker Youngest to win means singles at wingledon

  • Swedan prime Minister was killed

  • MoooPacolips

  • The Law against Religon

  • Trouble in europe

  • New satelight launched for more channeles

  • Mary Robson becomes first president of Ireland

  • Margret Thater resigns as prime minister

  • Loyal Troops storm parliment in moscow

  • Loyal Troops storm parelement in moscow

  • The European Union is established

  • Prime minister of England and Irland sign Dowing Street Declration

  • Devorce is Legilized in Irland

  • Bosnian Cival War ended

  • Cjid identified in Britian

  • The Stone of Scone retunred

  • The salt treaty by the U.S.

  • Princess Diana of Whales dies

  • Nuclear reator