
By lk3120
  • Kent State Shooting

    Kent State Shooting
    College students were protesting the expansion of the Vietnam war to cambodia. National guard members were called to maintain control. They ended up killing four and wounding 9 when they opened fire for an unknown reason.
  • Disney World opens in Florida

    Disney World opens in Florida
    Disney's empire is expanded to the east coast
  • Nixon Visits Communist China

    Nixon Visits Communist China
    On an 8 day journey to nixon becomes the first president to visit china while it is communist.
  • Nixon Visits Russia

    Nixon Visits Russia
    Nixon Was the first US president to go to Russia. His message was clear. He wanted to improve world relations for the US
  • Watergate Begins

    Watergate Begins
    The four men are arrested who Broke into the democrat headquarters
  • Election of 1972

    Election of 1972
    Nixon Defeats McGovern in a huge landslide taking 520 electorial votes. The need for watergate is proved to be completely paranoia
  • Roe vs. Wade

    Roe vs. Wade
    Murder of infants now allowed in the womb through the 1st 6 months of pregnancy
  • Nixon Resigns Resultaing from Watergate

    Nixon Resigns Resultaing from Watergate
    Gerald Ford Takes on Role of US president. He never was elected because he had been appointed after the vice president resigned for a completely unrelated reason
  • Watergate cover up Trials

    Watergate cover up Trials
    Mitchell, Haldeman, and Ehrlichman are all found guilty
  • Communist Forces complete their takeover of South Vietnam

    Communist Forces complete their takeover of South Vietnam
    Shortly after the US leaves vietnam, South Vietnam surrenders without conditions