Batman Television Series
The television show “Batman” airs for the first time on ABC during January of 1966. The show featured Adam West as the super-hero “Batman”and Burt Ward as his young sidekick “Robin. -
Gemini 8 Mission
The United States launched the Gemini 8 space mission. Neil Armstrong and David Scott into space where they became the first mission to dock two spacecraft while in orbit. soon after they completed the docking the two spacecraft began to violently tumble in what was also the first catastrophic failure during a U.S. Space mission that potentially threatened the lives of the astronauts on board.The mission lasted just over 10 hours and they successfully returned to Earth despite the issues. -
Miranda Rights
The Supreme Court overturns the conviction on of a confessed rapist ruling he had not been properly informed of his right to council and to not testify against himself. Miranda v. Arizona -
Lunar Orbiter 1
Became the first U.S. spacecraft to orbit the Moon, the Soviet Union had accomplished the same feat during April of that year with their Luna 10 mission. The Lunar Orbiter 1 mission’s main purpose was to photograph the Moon while also conducting experiments. -
Department of Transportation
To create a level of Federal oversight in the development of transportation policy and the creation of public transportation infrastructure. -
Aberfan Disaster
Aberfan disaster in South Wales in the United Kingdom, rock from the local coal mine slid down Merthyr Mountain. It collapsed destroyed twenty houses and a farm before going on to all of Pantglas Junior School 144 people were killed, 116 of whom were children mostly between the ages of 7 and 10.