Post revolution resurgence of MEFESZ signals renewed student activism and commitment to democratic ideals.
  • Student Protest in Budapest

    Student Protest in Budapest
    Thousands of students gather in Budapest to protest against the oppressive policies of the government and demand democratic reforms.
  • Radio Attacked

    Radio Attacked
    Protesters attack the Hungarian Radio building and the headquarters of the Hungarian Working People's Party, symbolizing their opposition to the ruling regime.
  • Nagy Imre Becomes Prime Minister

    Nagy Imre Becomes Prime Minister
    Imre Nagy, a reformist Communist, is appointed as the new Prime Minister, signaling a shift in the government's approach.
  • Soviet Troops Intervene

    Soviet Troops Intervene
    The Soviet Union sends tanks and troops to crush the uprising, resulting in violent clashes with protesters.
  • End of One Party System

    End of One Party System
    Former political parties were reestablished.
  • Withdrawal from the Warsaw Pact

    Withdrawal from the Warsaw Pact
    Imre Nagy declares Hungary's withdrawal from the Warsaw Pact, seeking to assert the nation's independence.
  • Ceasefire

    Imre Nagy announces a ceasefire and calls for negotiations with the Soviet Union.
  • Soviet Invasion

    Soviet Invasion
    Soviet forces launch a full-scale invasion, crushing the revolution and forcing Nagy to seek refuge in the Yugoslav Embassy.
  • Execution of Imre Nagy

    Execution of Imre Nagy
    Imre Nagy and other key figures of the revolution are arrested, tried, and executed by the Hungarian government.