Canada.com moves to paid subscription model
•Breaking news is free
•Other content requires $$
The dawn of citizen journalism
•Blogging software makes web publishing easy and eliminates -
Mainstream news sites begin to involve their audience •Death of Pierre Trudeau: Thousands of Canadians tell their stories on news websites -
March: False reports emerge online that TWA Flight 800, which crashes off Long Island in 1996 was brought down by a U.S. navy missile •The power of the medium becomes apparent as readers pressure investigators to reveal the “truth” -
Nelson, now a sociology prof at Vassar College in upstate New York -
ARPANET computer network created by the U.S. Defense Department
•The forerunner of today’s Internet -
The BBC files for a patent on “Teledata,” the first teletext system •Called a "Rolodex in the sky” -
: The organization in charge is now called DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) -
Better graphics than teletext; even photo dispLay menú-driven systems -
Canada begins development of Telidon, an advanced la televisión la empezaron a crear y eso -
First computer-based
online dial-up services
emerge Eg.:
•The Source
•Prodigy -
1983: Time Magazine names the computer “Machine of the Year”
•1984: Apple introduces the Macintosh computer. Cost: $2,495 US with built-in B&W monitor. Within 75 days, 50,000 -
Worldwide 22 nations are said to be involved in videotext and teletext -
1986: Computers readily available in university computer labs, offices Computers becoming cheaper and more powerful; first personal printers appear; ($7,000 US for an Apple LaserWriter)
•1988: Internet Relay Chat (IRC, a forebearer to instant messaging) is developed by Finnish graduate student Jarkko Oikarinen DARPA makes the Internet public -
Hypertext Markup Language is invented by Tim Berners-Lee, an Englishman, and colleagues at CERN, the European Particle Physics Laboratory -
Lynx, a non-graphical Web and Gopher (FTP) “browser” is released by the University of Kansas. -
The Yahoo “Internet index” is started by Stanford PhD candidates David Filo and Jerry Yang the first Canadian newspaper, the Halifax Daily News
goes online -
April 19: Oklahoma City Bombing The first major event in which people turn •May: More than 150 news outlets in North America now have online editions -
Jan. 19 -- Early reports of U.S. President Clinton’s involvement with White House intern Monica Lewinsky demonstrate how a small independent news site can seize a .September: Starr Report A new relationship between politicians and the public – Starr bypasses the press and distributes a major political document online first -
Sept. 11: Online news operations stumble …Them recover -
Bloggers lead the way in forcing CBS to retract its story on George W. Bush’s military service bringing home the reality of the event with amateur video -
Major trend: “A growing number of news outlets are chasing relatively static or even shrinking audiences for news. One result of this is that most sectors of the news media are losing audience. The only sectors seeing general audience growth today are online, ethnic and alternative media.” -
Participatory journalism advocate Dan Gillmor tries (and fails) to put his emerging philosophy into practice
More sites were becoming profitable … [but] rivals on the Web that offer classified listings or aggregate other people’s work -- but produce very little journalistic content of their own -- were continuing to steal revenues away. There still appears no clear -
Practicing journalism has become far more difficult and demands new vision. Journalism is becoming a smaller part of people’s information mix …
“Journalists have reacted relatively slowly … There are signs that government, corporations and activists have reacted more quickly. Politicians, interest groups and corporate public relations people tell us they have bloggers now on secret retainer — and they are delighted with the results.” -
August: Mosaic, first graphical Web browser for Windows, is released by the University of Illinois. It causes the web to grow at a 341,634% annual rate of service traffic October: First journalism site on the Web is launched at the University of Florida. There now are about 200 web servers in the world