Cars Boom
- Suburbs boom as cars make it possible for people to live at greater distances from their work place.
- Small famalies of about 4 in big homes.
- More and more technology = more jobs
John F. Kennedy elected President
- Symbolized hope in a time of civil unrest for Ameican Families.
- Supported programs that strived to end poverty and racism.
- Civil Rights Act of 1964. This made it to where black and white kids could go to school together.
- New Frontier - Included federal aid to education, low interest student loans, economic assistance to depressed areas, and the decaying centers of our major cities.
Period: to
Cold War and Vitnam War 1961-1980
Bay of Pigs Invasion
- Soviets were sending missiles to cuba.
- Many Americans were scared, because Cuba was so close to the U.S. and missiles could end up in U.S.
- Cuban missile crisis
- Kids were growing up being tired hiding under their desks for nuclear bomb drills and were feeling depressed by society.
Equal Pay Act
- Women's salaries were below men's in every occupancy. -
Lyndon Johnson Elected President
-Provided needed continuity and stability after Kennedy's death
-Passed legislations' to protect the nation's land, air, water, wilderness and quality of life for Americans
-Extended Kennedy's New Deal for Medicaid, Medicare, and education -
Civil Rights Act
- Outlawed discrimination against African Americans and eliminated discrimination in public facilities.
- Many were talked bad about, weren't allowed in public facilities and weren't allowed to work.
Opportunity Act
- Provided job training and adult education.
- Gave loans to small businesses.
Voting Rights Act
- Protect and ensure right to vote.
President Richard Nixon Elected
- Moved slowly on the economy. -Gave Congress authority to consolidate federal aid programs to cities and states -Made the Post Office a public corporation -Signs clean air bill mandating car manufacturers to reduce pollutants by 90% -Emergency Employment Act providing $2.25 billion for new public service jobs -Signed 60 bills providing $5 billion in benefits for the aged, blind, disabled
Apollo 11 Lands on the Moon
- "Space Race" between U.S. and Soviet Union
- Led to thousands of new modernized forms of technology.
- Opened up more jobs for Americans.
- Inspired many Americans.
- Turned science fiction to reality.
- Created a proud legacy for the space agency (NASA)
Cold War
- 1945 - 1991
- Soviets = communism U.S. = Capitalism democracy.
- Communists were rooted out, many more lives were ruined based on weak evidence.
- Led to the election of anti-communist presidents such as Truman, Kennedy, Nixon, and Reagan/
- Waged economic warfare with the Soviet Union.
Most Severe Depression since WWII
- Decreasing business activity.
- Rising unemployment.
- Oil embargo - prices shot up.
- Federal deficit decreased.
Gerald Ford Elected President.
- Introduced tax cuts and government spending restraints
- Privacy Act of 1974.
End of Vietnam War
- Responsible for heavy strain on financial recources of the U.S. economy
- Manufacturing goods had to shift toward catering to the demands of the economy.
- Excessive military spending, no equivallent amount of funds coming into the country.
- 1960s lifestyle began to erode because of economic paralysis.
Deep Recession
- National gross product fell by 2.5%
- Number of farmers declined, because demand reduced for farm products.
- Economic downturn and inflation.
- Oil crisis
- Inflation rates increased while economic growth rates declined.
Ronald Reagan elected President
- Key international trade pacts fueling U.S. business growth.
- Tax reduction = tenet of growth.
- Steered toward free markets and away from government control.