1960s Timeline Project

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    1960s Timeline Project

  • Kansas Case

    Kansas Case
    A third grader, Linda Brown, lived close to a white school but had to go miles to get to her school she was allowed to go to. The NAACP wanted to challenge segregation because it was not fair to do that. Segregation was eliminated and Supreme Court realized it was unconstitutional.
  • Surrender

    French Surrender at Dien Bien Phu to Vietminh. ALltogether, both sides lost 300,000 soldiers. Both sides also gained experience.
  • Parks Arrested

    Parks Arrested
    Rosa Parks got onto a bus and sat in the African American part of the bus. As the white section began filling, a white person told her to move so he could sit down. She refused and was arrested. This event helped Martin Luther King Jr. become elected as the leader of an Association, making him known.
  • Arkansas in Trouble

    Arkansas in Trouble
    Black students arrived at school to be attacked by whites who did not want them there. When they arrived, soldiers turned them away. It lasted for about three weeks. It showed the strength of racism and how it affected the nation.
  • Eisenhower moves thousands of indians!

    Eisenhowers termination policy relocated over 200,000 Native Americans to reservations. Many remained amazingly poor during relocation. 1952 to 1967 was a tough year for Natives.
  • US New Program

    US New Program
    Domestic Programs of Johnson's Administration in the US. Two main goals were elimination of poverty and racial injustice. Many new programs were created like the Economic Opportunity Act and the Tax Reduction Act.
  • Court of Earl Warren

    Court of Earl Warren
    Warren Court: Court of the US between 1953-1969 led by Earl Warren, It expanded civil rights, civil liberties, and power in large ways. It ended racial segregation and gave religious freedom.
  • Defeat In Cuba!

    Defeat In Cuba!
    The US invaded Cuba to overthrow the governent of Cuba. Cuba was under the command of Fidel Castro. The invasion was a huge fail for the US. This event strengthened Castro and the Soviet Union and it led to the Cuban Missile Crisis.
  • Freedom Riders Ride

    Freedom Riders Ride
    A group of 13 volunteers took a bus on their way to New Orleans. On the way they were denied bus stations and recieved harassment. A mob approached days later and beat the passengers. No police helped. The federal Interstate Commerce Commission issued new rules for bus and train stations.
  • Into Space We Go!

    Into Space We Go!
    New Frontier Program: Kennedy's plan for the United States intended to boost economy and the space program. His two major accomplishments were the Peace Corp and the Alliance for Progress.He wanted to progress farther than the Soviet and launching a man into space would do. It helped push our country to do unimaginable things and progress us farther.
  • Barrier Built!

    Barrier Built!
    Berlin Wall was Built: A Wall was built by East Germany that cut it off from everyone else. It had guard towers and concrete walls. East Germany wanted to be a socialist state. The wall signified the fail of communism and Kennedy became popular.
  • Activists Acting

    Activists Acting
    John Lewis: participated in sit-ins, Freedom Riders(1961), Selma March(1965), and represented Atlanta in Congress.
    Jesse Jackson: Civil rights organization
    These men raised the possibility that the nation might one day have an African American President.
  • Protest in NC

    Protest in NC
    Four college students were denied service because of their race at a lunch counter that afternoon. They stayed seated there all day and brought more people each day. This protest had won white support which helped get closer to end segregation. Many people also followed the sit in idea.
  • New Ammendment

    New Ammendment
    Congress passed the Twenty-fourth Ammendment which banned states from taxing citizens to vote. It affected African Americans because they could not pay the toll to vote. It allowed voting rights leaders to plan more projects.
  • Nuclear Threat from Cuba!

    Nuclear Threat from Cuba!
    Cuban Missile Crisis: It was a 13 day event between Soviet Union and Cuba against the US. The US were trying to stop the Cubans from using a missile attack against them. It ended in a peaceful solution. It happened in Cuba and the Caribbean Sea. This event helped Castro's position strengthen, and now the US would never invade Cuba without a direct reason.
  • Johnson Into Office

    Johnson Into Office
    Johnson was once the 37th vice president of the United States, becoming the president after Kennedy was assasinated. He won by a large margin over Barry Goldwater in the 1964 election. He was responsible for civil rights, public broadcasting, Medicare, Medicaid and he involved the US in the Vietnam War.
  • Kennedy Assassinated!

    Kennedy Assassinated!
    Kennedy was in Dallas in an open car, on his way to deliver a speech. His wife was by his side. Shots came out of nowhere from a nearby building and Kennedy was shot in the head and neck, killing him. Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested but yet 2 days later, Jack Ruby shot Oswald, killing him. It will never be known if he was actually the murderer. It affected the country greatly and Johnson was sworn into office, who would have greater success.
  • Kids doing good!

    Kids doing good!
    Freedom Summer, Ohio College students volunteered to spend the summer in Mississippi helping African Americans to vote. Most of the trainers were poor southern people and most of the volunteers were white. Many went home after three boys were murdered. Overshadowed by 1964 election.
  • War on Poverty!

    War on Poverty!
    It is the name of legislation proposed by Johnson on the State of the Union Address. It was proposed in response to the national poverty rate of 19 percent. It led the Congress to pass the Economic Opportunity Act.
  • Civil Rights Act Passed

    Civil Rights Act Passed
    Johsonon signed the law, which banned discrimination in employment and public accomodations. Many did not want it passed.Many African Americans were elected to offices because of this Act.
  • Resolution at Hand

    Resolution at Hand
    Tonkin Gulf Resolution was a resolution passed by Congress that gave the president could do whatever he wanted when the US was being threatened, including armed forces. It gave the president too much power and many believed it would destroy the country if things went too far.
  • Many against War

    Many against War
    Antiwar movement: many opposed the antiwar movement and many participating were college students. Many men burnt their draft cards to show how much they hated it. Media was majorly anti war which made it more popular around the country.
  • Thunder at Hand

    Thunder at Hand
    Operation Rolling Thunder: a bombing campaign over North Vietnam by President Johnson. Help started aiding North Vietnam quickly. Many of the help was South Vietnam, who joined Vietang.
  • Westmoreland Leading Troops

    Westmoreland Leading Troops
    Ground War: Westmoreland was a US commander leading ground troops into VIetnam. They were search and destroy missions. Pacification was used, many civilians resented it and many villages were destroyed.
  • Free Speech Movement

    This nonviolent mobement was introduced by college students. They were known as the counterculture movement. These California students started something the U.S. would remember forever.
  • Voting Rights Act Passed!

    Voting Rights Act Passed!
    It broke down barrier with African American's voting rights. Congress passed the law. Later on, many were elected into office.
  • Crusade for Justice!!

    New activist of Mexico Gonzales was an influential leader in 1966 and many years to come. He promoted Mexican nationalism giving the country a new found hope to prosper. Gonzales also sponsored the National Chicano Liberation Youth Conference.
  • Black Power

    Black Power
    Carmicheal is head of the SNCC and he always wanted aggressive actions. He thought African Americans should depend on themselves to solve problems. Many young followed him. It inspired the rejection of nonviolence everywhere.
  • NOW

    Natonal Organization for Women: It fought gender discrimination and abortion rights. Betty Friedon was the president and ERA was created but it failed to become a law because it would give women too much freedom. Becasue of this, the # of woman working increased and they gained senior positions in government.
  • New Party Found

    New Party Found
    The Black Panther Party rejected nonviolence, They Carried guns and monitered African American neighborhoods. It led to many shootouts and death.
  • MAYO inspires students everywhere.

    In 1967 the Mexican American Youth Organization inspired students in many schools to increase their education. The organization gained reforms throughout the country for education.
  • Attack!

    8400 communist attacked US military and the communists showed much strength. It showed that more battles would come in the VIetnam War and things would get worse.
  • Summer of Love

    This counterculture movement stunt was in San Francisco. This was where the hippies came about who were all about peace, love and harmony. The mass murders in California brought them together to try and stop this with non violence.
  • Tet Offensive Started

    Tet Offensive Started
    Massive Coordinated Attacks, VIetcong assault on US embassy. There were multiple community attacks and many communist were killed.
  • King Is Dead

    King Is Dead
    Kames Earl Roy, a white man, shot and killed the King. 120 cities erupted. Riots started all over. 46 died, 2600 were injured, and 21000 arrested. Kennedy was trying to make an effort to stop all the bad.
  • More Civil RIghts!

    More Civil RIghts!
    The civil rights Act banned discrimination in sale or rental of housing. Johnson signed it and it helped fix segregation throughtout the country.
  • Election of 1968

    Election of 1968
    Johnson withdrew from the elction and Humphrey decided to enter. Kennedy was the democratic favorite but he was shot and killed by Sirhan Sirhan. Nixon won the election. New policies were created for the victory in Vietnam.
  • My Lai Massacre horrible

    My Lai Massacre horrible
    Massacre of unarmed Vietnamese civilians by US soldiers. Lietenant Calley lead the troops and horribly attacked the city of My Lai. Calley was charged with murder and killed.
  • AIM

    American INdian Movement: It reneved traditional cultures, economic idependence and better education. Russel Means started it and many more organizations were created.
  • Help Is On The Way

    Help Is On The Way
    Affirmative Action: Helped discrimination against woman and minorites in hiring. It was made by the US Justice Department. It helped woman and minorites have a better change of getting jobs and they were found in more higher jobs.
  • IndoChina Attack

    IndoChina Attack
    Communist Army of Mao seized China. Next, they invaded South Korea. It helped strengthen US committment to contain communism in southest Asia.
  • The RUP gains power

    The La Raza Unida Party with Guitierrez as the leader is gaining power. Education is improving as well as public services and ending discrimination. This symbolizes the growing Chicano power which also is shown by the men being elected in offices of Texas.
  • New Amendment!

    New Amendment!
    26th Amendment: This amendment lowered the voting age from 21 to 18. It gave McGovern many young supporters and many more voted for him.

    The hippies of 1971 were explicit in many ways. They said they were lovers and the sexual activity of the population went up. They were also no opposed to using violence against anyone.
  • Papers Leaked!

    Papers Leaked!
    Pentagon Papers were leaked, which revealed that governtment officials had been misleading US people about the war. It angered Nixon very much because people were turning away from him. Daniel Ellsberg leaked the papers, which he previously worked for the US. Many were very upset and it led to mistrust in the government.