1960s Timeline

  • Newport Jazz Festival

    Newport Jazz Festival
    The Newport Jazz Festival was an annual jazz festival done in Newport Rhode Island. It was said that about 200 people were arrested in the 1960 festival due to injuries and battling on the opening days.
  • Nixon-Kennedy Debates (1st on Television)

    Nixon-Kennedy Debates (1st on Television)
    Kennedy won the first of the debates. It is said that Nixon was nervous and did not wear make-up to the first debate.
  • The Assassination of John F. Kennedy

    The Assassination of John F. Kennedy
    While J.F.K was driving through Texas greeting crowds of people, he was shot in the neck. His death was felt all across the country.
  • The Beatles Appear for the first time on the Ed Sullivan Show

    The Beatles Appear for the first time on the Ed Sullivan Show
    Around 70 million people were watching and this was the first time The Beatles appeared on live TV.
  • The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    Two U.S. ships were attacked in North Vietnam and this was addressed by President Johnson through The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. The resolution stated that the president could do whatever he wanted to retaliate and promote international peace in Southeast Asia.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    Frequent bombings by the U.S. with the goal to force Ho Chi Minh to stop his ambition over the control of South Vietnam.
  • March on the Pentagon

    March on the Pentagon
    A huge marching protest by over 100,000 people against the Vietnam War. This started at the Lincoln Memorial and ended near the Pentagon.
  • Mai Lai Massacre

    Mai Lai Massacre
    A massive killing of over 500 people from the Mai Lai village by the U.S. All girls and women were raped and mutilated before being killed. The U.S. covered up this tragedy for a year before being released to the public. This sparked incredible outrage against the Vietnam War.
  • Riots at the Chicago Democratic Convention

    Riots at the Chicago Democratic Convention
    Since many people were anti-Vietnam war, they threw protests and riots in Chicago. They were met with brutality and retaliation by Chicago police. This was broadcasted live and many protestors started chanting "The whole world is watching".
  • Woodstock

    Woodstock was a music festival that was in New York. When Woodstock happened in 1969, there were a lot of attendees and some bad weather, but that didn't stop them from making a great music festival.
  • Chicago 8 Trial

    Chicago 8 Trial
    Eight anti-Vietnam War and Civil Rights protestors were charged with inciting violence because of the riots at the Chicago Democratic Convention. Five of them were charged for time in prison and the others were let go.
  • The Beatles Break Up

    The Beatles Break Up
    Due to many things such as the death of their manager, and some tensions between the band members, The Beatles Broke up.
  • Kent State Protest

    Kent State Protest
    While many anti-war protestors were demonstrating at a college, national guardsmen fired their weapons at them. This ended up killing four students, injuring eight, and paralyzing another.
  • Roe vs. Wade

    Roe vs. Wade
    Norma McCorvey, whose fictional name is Jane Roe, argued that a pregnant person should be able to have an abortion. The ending result of the case was a person is able to have an abortion if they so choose.